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Tsa At Work?

WingNaPrayer said:
The TSA at airports is a joke, a big expensive pile of smoke and mirrors brought to you by the republican dictatorship in the white house. It's all a front, and those of us who travel a lot know that the TSA is nothing more than a government sanctioned hassle. There is no consistency, and gawd help travelers on any given third week of the month when half the TSA screeners are PMS impaired!!

Oh the agony!!
Wrong party. It was the Democrats who salivated at the opportunity to create tens of thousands of government jobs. :angry:
Sorry, since long before 9/11, the Republicans out number, and therefore out vote the Democrats. The Republicans get the blame for everything regardless of the vote count, and rightfully so.
Garfield1966 said:
I went on a trip. I packed in a rush so I forgot to take out my little inch and a half long Swiss army knife with a 1 inch blade and I also left my dinner knife and fork in my back pack (I brown bag it to work). The dinner knife is one of those stainless steel jobs about 8 or nine inches long with a rounded tip along with a stainless steel fork. The one every one has in their utensil drawer.

I'll give you 3 guess as to what they took away and what they let me keep. If you thought I could keep the harmless Swiss army knife and they took the dinner knife ... You were wrong. I have a hard enough time opening a orange with a thick skin with the Swiss. I could easily kill someone with the dinner knife. I think I would have a hard time of it with the Swiss. It could be done but I'd have to work at it.

Can someone please give me a plausible explanation for this? I need to have some faith that these apparent idiots guarding my safety at the airport (shudder) know what they are doing. By the way, two airports did this, not just one and if you are thinking they did not see the dinner knife, they had it in their hands at both airports.
I think they should have done a full body cavity search on Garfield. He sounds extremley dangerous. :lol: :lol: . Actually I think they should have taken both items.

I was on a flight recently to SEA. When I approached my seat in first class I found a pocket knife. I gave it to the flight attendant fully expecting her to give it to the captain and the entire plane to be re checked. But we left as if nothing happened. Can someone tell me what should happen in that situation.
WingNaPrayer said:
Sorry, since long before 9/11, the Republicans out number, and therefore out vote the Democrats. The Republicans get the blame for everything regardless of the vote count, and rightfully so.
Except BJs and groping in the Oval Office, selling pardons, lying under oath, rape, etc etc etc. That's Democrat territory and rightfully so!
AgMedallion said:
Except BJs and groping in the Oval Office, selling pardons, lying under oath...
No one died when Clinton lied.

TWAnr said:
No one died when Clinton lied.

Oh, really......

What about all the folks in Bosnia, Serbia? The first world trade center bombing, the bombing of the barracks in Saudia Arabia, just to name a few.
Bill gives verbal handjobs about bringing to justice, while he gets the real thing.

The media wont show the bodies from 9/11 or those burned and chopped apart in Iraq....but they are all over pictures of Iraqis crying, the prisoners.
If America had this socialist media culture in place in WW2, we'd all be speaking German and Japanese.
operaations said:
I think they should have done a full body cavity search on Garfield. He sounds extremley dangerous. :lol: :lol: . Actually I think they should have taken both items.

I was on a flight recently to SEA. When I approached my seat in first class I found a pocket knife. I gave it to the flight attendant fully expecting her to give it to the captain and the entire plane to be re checked. But we left as if nothing happened. Can someone tell me what should happen in that situation.
Pocket knives don't reproduce. Re-screening the plane would be a waste of time. I'm glad the crew didn't overreact and evacuate the plane.