Top 20 companies to work for

No offense to anybody but why would any airline be desirable to work at during these tough times. I still view WN as a great employer but i wouldn't recommend working for wn to anyone especially with all the uncertainty in the air....
Southwest had been rated either at the top or near the top for many years. I believe that it was Forbes that was ranking all of the companies. Then one year, WN was not rated at all and the employee's were at a loss as to why or how that could happen. As it turned out, there are forms after forms to fill out, manpower was taken away to show the magazine's editor's what WN did, how they did, what made them special, etc. The accolade's were nice and it was good PR but it was getting to the point where it wasn't worth the time and effort to stay. So, by now, I believe that WN has such a great name recogition and good product that the time and effort is no longer needed.

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