To The Flying Public

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Aug 9, 2005
The South
To the Flying Public,

My beautiful Princess Kidagakash has informed me that my posts in this forum have been linked to travel agencies across the country. I thought that I would put that theory to a test. First let me say that from what I have seen at this facility and the reports I have received from friends at other facilities these planes are indeed safe to fly. The flight crews here are very professional, if not somewhat cold, and I am certain that they wouldn’t accept an unairworthy aircraft and put it in the air loaded with passengers.

To implement this test I need your help. All you have to do is call to make reservations on a Northwest aircraft and tell them that “KTO said your aircraft were safe to fly and that I should get a 20% discount on my tickets for flying during this strike after reading the Northwest Airlines forum on USâ€￾

If they don’t give you the discount simply book a flight on another carrier. If they do, have an enjoyable flight on Northwest Airlines.

PS: Drop a line to the flight attendants and tell them its ok if they lighten up on us.

Also I might ad that this is my personal little test and that this topic or discount is by no means what so ever endorsed by Northwest. Just think of it as a bargaining tool for a good deal.

Please post any results of this test in this topic.
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Princess, our little experiment isn’t faring to well. I'm no statistical analysis but I would be willing to bet, if what you said was true, we should have a lot more hits than this. I will give you the benefit of a doubt and try to keep this topic in the top 10 on the list for a couple of days.
KTO, when NWA annouces major losses due to lost passengers alive or dead because of substandard Scab maintenance performed by you and your pot smoking,cocaine snorting,heroin shooting,booze drinking,pill popping scab buddies, your experiment will show just what a loser,failure you are.
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