To The 320/captain Bashers


Aug 28, 2002
This man is a man who people love to kick. I guess if one did a study they would find it's because all the stress and he being an easy target, he's it.

I emailed the owners of this forum today and received no reply. What I asked was why is it allowed and overlooked the fact that the captain receives constant bashing by a lot of posters, I was once one myself for the record, anyway why is it this is allowed when other little pissy things get one thrown into the cornfield, hmmm?

No one deserves the kind of beating he takes. All you people bashing him look into the mirror and see how bright your own halo is. Just because you don't like the truth is no excuse to bash someone.

The captain always says exactly what that bottom paragraph states, so I guess that author also deserves a good bashing too.

I had enough of all this crap and all the b-i-t-c-h-i-n-g and moaning. Thank God U doesn't support me anymore and neither will these boards provide me entertainment anymore, they have become as old and worn out as U and it hateful employees are.

Good Luck and all and best of luck to each of you and I hope your next job brings with it a new improved attitude because the present one is in the crapper.

CavalierClick Here:
1. A320 makes himself a target because he enjoys the attention. :p

2. My halo is beamin'. :D

3. Goodbye and Good Luck in the future. But I am sure if you are not posting, you will be lurking........
cavalier said:
This man is a man who people love to kick. I guess if one did a study they would find it's because all the stress and he being an easy target, he's it.
Click Here:

I have to also agree that while his view, one that generally agrees with the goals of management, is not in the majority among US Airways employees; his opinions are generally valid ones that deserve a forum absent the abuse.

Let's be frank here. Labor is just as much to blame as management for the situation at US Airways. Nobody likes to hear that. It's easier to blame management for stupid decisions, but management ran away from Southwest for years not because management was stupid but because the pay and work-rules foisted on the company by the unions were so much more expensive than those at Southwest that the company could not compete.

The fact is that after September 11th, the company asked the pilots and FAs for emergency ability to change the duty rigs inside the usual deadline so the company could cancel a thousand flights (no passengers wanted to fly and DCA was closed) without paying crew for flights they never flew. ALPA refused. Now, this is one example and there ARE MANY MORE. Many pilots and FAs took a month or two off with full pay as a result and drained the company's cash by over $75m during Sept/Oct/Nov 01. Pilots at other airlines let the company cut hours and redo the lines, but not at US Airways. Well, the chickens have come home to roost.

This is all about greed. Rakesh and Wolf were greedy, they cashed out. The unions were greedy for 10 years and instituted the industry's worst work rules. They cashed out too by only working 60 hours per month and making elevated wages. Well, there's nothing left but a shell now. Bronner probably just lost 5% of the RSA's wealth trying to prop up US Airways, but it doesn't look like its gonna be enough.

I'm not sure the company deserves to survive at the point. Every ounce of blood has been drained out.
C'mon Cav, A320Pile-it is loving every minute of it. He gets to intimidate those who cannot think for themselves or are easily swayed while stirring the pot. He continually tells us how much more severe a judicial restructuring will be. Well let me tell you something.....after reading what the company is proposing between HP and B6 as a comparison, there is not much left to take!!

I especially like the part where my 16.5 years will be worth approx 3.5 years <_< ??? I mean W-T-F???? I just went from hell no to hell friggin NO :angry: !! It is way beyond preposturous. UAIR wants BK2 and all their "good faith" bargaining proves it.

See you in court captain....BTW, ALPA is in the batters box first. Good luck with the decimation of your career......but at least you'll have a job <_< <_< . Or will you at all????
Cav, my halo and wings are sparkly. What can I say, I am easily amused. Best wishes in your new endeavour and come back and say "hello" once in awhile.
He gets Bashed, because he asks for it! Telling other workgroups what the should and better do, is a bunch of Crap to say the least. He has no Idea what it is like to be in the CWA or IAM-FSA groups, so he should not be advising them what is best.
Plain and simple, his Job and paycheck may be worth a few more rounds of Concessions, but many others aren't. He has been Beating the Management Drum for way too long. If you recall he was playing a different tune when his Pension was stripped by the Company. Threats and promises of going to another Airline in the Mid-East and so on. After reading the letter by the PIT MEC rep, you would have to be out of your mind to support the Company proposal. They want 106 seat A/C at Express!! Not until his Butt is in one of those Express or MDA Cockpits, will he wake up and smell the truth at this Company. We will not give more to save his paycheck, and he shoud stop advising everyone to do so. It doesn't appear that he has much if any support from his own Pilot group. Remember when he spouted his Mouth off to the CLT Newspapers??? He is begging for bashing and conflict, and he gets what he deserves. You picked the wrong guy to stand up for on these boards.
Fast Reply, quick answer. He gets what he spews.

EYE - I love that avatar!!! :wub:
If the capt would post factual information instead of blantant falsehoods.

In his posts he tries to scare, threaten and intimidate instead of using facts.

Tells the IAM members they are irrelavent and will be wiped out.

And we are still waiting for the "Painful" clause.

He causes his own problems and fails to realize it.
Anybody want to guess who authored this email to Captain Duane Woerth, the President of ALPA National?

"Dear Captain Woerth:

I am sure you are aware of the sad state of affairs on the US Airways MEC and how four men are threatening the livelihood of over 3,000 pilots.

I’m not going to go into details because I believe you clearly understand them.

Is there a way for ALPA International to take control of our MEC so we can return sane governance to our airline?

what 700 sees as one thing, other including myself sees as another. He has stated over and over again that his post are his opinion and repeats what is in articles or other media outlets, or from a meeting he attended. I believe, that iam jobs will be outsourced just as cal did in its restructuring. Cal still uses in house mech for certain jobs, however outsources the maj of its major overhauls. Thats a fact. I believe US will do the same if we file chap 11. You do not have to agree or like what he says, but in general he provides an overview, like it or not, i believe he adds a great deal of interest to these boards.
There is a difference between, articles, opinions and outrite lies.
enilria said:
Let's be frank here. Labor is just as much to blame as management for the situation at US Airways. Nobody likes to hear that. It's easier to blame management for stupid decisions, but management ran away from Southwest for years not because management was stupid but because the pay and work-rules foisted on the company by the unions were so much more expensive than those at Southwest that the company could not compete.

The fact is that after September 11th, the company asked the pilots and FAs for emergency ability to change the duty rigs inside the usual deadline so the company could cancel a thousand flights (no passengers wanted to fly and DCA was closed) without paying crew for flights they never flew. ALPA refused. Now, this is one example and there ARE MANY MORE. Many pilots and FAs took a month or two off with full pay as a result and drained the company's cash by over $75m during Sept/Oct/Nov 01. Pilots at other airlines let the company cut hours and redo the lines, but not at US Airways. Well, the chickens have come home to roost.


The brush you're painting with is a bit too broad - "Labor is just as much to blame..." I can't speak of pilot, mech and f/a details, but I know a little about agents.

Post 9/11, agents were sent home without pay. You could not use sick leave. U ran a reduced flight schedule for some time thereafter, and surplus agents were sent home without pay. The Company deliberately violated the contract in determining who went home - it did NOT go by seniority. In some stations I'm familiar with, whoever was on the manager's s@#$ list went home. And yes, shame on the unions for flushing the force majuere grievances that resulted.

Remember parity plus one? Every other group viewed it as a concession; agents got a raise. For the math-impaired, that means the agents had been working for less than their peers all along.

And while this horse still gets beat, NO ONE has shown any clauses in a U agent contract that is more onerous on the company than a WN agent's contract.

The agents I know have come to working under trying circumstances and gotten the job done - look at the DOT indices over the past few years. Their effort is far more than the company has deserved.

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