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Jul 1, 2003
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Saint Louis, MO STL (Lambert)
Does anyone in the know have any ideas on a timeline for when the judge will make a ruling on the contracts? or are their any critical dates or deadlines for other financial matters that could affect whether the company continues to operate?
Could be wrong..but...I was under the impression that the hearing is Dec 2...Think there is a connection between that date and clubs closing Dec 3? If contracts are thrown out Dec 2 , would layoffs Dec 3 be Not entitled to severance?...Just a thought...Also heard several PIT people furloughed Nov 7 being recalled..think they'll be furloughed again Dec 3?
I've known some females in my lifetime who could "fight dirty", but these guys make them look like saints!
The key is to somehow get around that recall. What a piece of work this management group is.
🙂 The good news is you are about to get a great new boss who respects their employee's and you will to go to work,do your job with integrity and pride.
The even better news is it wont be at this morally bankrupt company wear you are a liability not an asset.

B) The bad news the 320 pilot will be working as a shopping cart boy at Wal Mart.


  • sinking.webp
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How would you get around that recall? If you don't dome back, you have chosen a voluntary separation from the company with no severance, and difficulty getting any unemployment benefits...Unless, of course, this craziness is stressing you out BIG TIME and your doctor immediately writes you out for stress, inability to cope with current life situations, severe depression, etc., which would all be true if everyone stopped taking their Prozac, Zoloft, etc...It's difficult enough to cope WITH a little help from "my friends"...
wizzz said:
and your doctor immediately writes you out for stress, inability to cope with current life situations, severe depression, etc., which would all be true if everyone stopped taking their Prozac, Zoloft, etc...It's difficult enough to cope WITH a little help from "my friends"...
Ah, but if your Dr. writes you a note saying you are too stressed to work, you still don't get unemployment. You must be ready, willing, able, and available for full-time employment in order to collect.

Also, wizz is correct on the date. The original post on the abrogration filing said that the judge had set a hearing date of 02DEC. So, it won't happen before then.
If I recall, after the hearing date of Dec. 2...the judge has 30 days to make decision.
CynicalResAgent said:
I was hoping I'd have Xmas and New Years off again...

You still might -- the judge can take up to 30 days to come to a decision, but it could come quicker than that. I suspect it will.
This judge doesn't seem like its in his nature to draw things out....Seems like his decisons are made pretty quick...

The decision to approve 21 % was quick....

His decision to not decrease the amount on a reconsideration was quick...

If he drags his feet on this part, it would only re-enforce opinions thaf he is a buddy of USAIRWAYS executives...which could be a conflict of interest, if that would be true..
WestCoastGuy said:
If I recall, after the hearing date of Dec. 2...the judge has 30 days to make decision.

He could rule anytime between Dec. 2 through 30 days.

The judge will be going on vacation on the 17th and won't be back in session until the first of the year. I am sure he is not a wreckless judge to rule to abrogate any contracts BEFORE the holidays.... B)
I hope he gets paid for 100 % of his vacation....

Not like CWA workers who get paid 75 % pay of a week's pay...and then that is cut 21 % more with the recent paycut....So that amouts to 54 % pay....about 4hrs vacation a day....yikes!
Judge Mitchell initially scheduled S.1113© hearings between the company and the CWA, AFA, and the IAM for December 2 and 3. On Thursday, November 18, US Airways asked the bankruptcy court for additional dates and Mitchell accommodated the company. Additional arguments will be heard on December 9-10 and December 16-17.

US Airways attorney Brian Leitch, from Arnold & Porter, said the company’s request was made (in part) to accommodate the PBGC who needs until December 16 to prepare its case. Most observers expect the PBGC to once again fight a DB pension termination because US Airways’ desire to unload the retirement plans will give the PBGC an additional $2.1 billion liability.

Mitchell told the company he has scheduled vacation from December 17 until early January. In both Bankruptcy I and Bankruptcy II, Mitchell made most of his rulings from the bench. For example, during the S.1113(e) hearings, Mitchell cut off union attorney’s early, and recessed the hearing for lunch. Prior to the recess, he told the parties that he would reconvene the court at 1:30 p.m. and he would then issue his interim concession ruling. Considering Mitchell has a reputation for a “rocket docket†and the urgency for additional cost cuts, in my opinion, Mitchell could issue his order agreeing with the company’s motion on December 17.

Meanwhile, the CWA and AFA “strike†press releases has contributed to passengers “booking away†from the carrier, which is compounding the airline’s financial problems. Thus, it would not surprise me to see history repeat it self and the company’s next proposal to the CWA, AFA, and IAM get worse. For example, the company could reduce the CWA “buy out†severance amounts to preserve cash flow. It is logical that the company will argue that the unions have hurt bookings and the cuts must be deeper to meet ATSB and possibly other financing requirements.

Do not be surprised before the contract abrogation hearings if the company announces a DIP financier who is willing to provide the airline with interim bankruptcy filing (at a premium), with a condition that labor cuts must occur per the company’s motion. Moreover, with fuel prices climbing again and soft loads the DIP financing may be required to sustain operations. Thus, Mitchell may have no option but to agree with the company’s position to save the business enterprise and he could rule as early as December 17, but he must rule within 30 days.

Best regards,

USA320Pilot said:
Judge Mitchell initially scheduled S.1113© hearings between the company and the Mitchell told the company he has scheduled vacation from December 17 until early January. In both Bankruptcy I and Bankruptcy II, Mitchell made most of his rulings from the bench. For example, during the S.1113(e) hearings, Mitchell cut off union attorney’s early, and recessed the hearing for lunch. Prior to the recess, he told the parties that he would reconvene the court at 1:30 p.m. and he would then issue his interim concession ruling. Considering Mitchell has a reputation for a “rocket docket†and the urgency for additional cost cuts, in my opinion, Mitchell could issue his order agreeing with the company’s motion on December 17.

Meanwhile, the CWA and AFA “strike†press releases has contributed to passengers “booking away†from the carrier, which is compounding the airline’s financial problems. Thus, it would not surprise me to see history repeat it self and the company’s next proposal to the CWA, AFA, and IAM get worse. For example, the company could reduce the CWA “buy out†severance amounts to preserve cash flow. It is logical that the company will argue that the unions have hurt bookings and the cuts must be deeper to meet ATSB and possibly other financing requirements.

Do not be surprised before the contract abrogation hearings if the company announces a DIP financier who is willing to provide the airline with interim bankruptcy filing (at a premium), with a condition that labor cuts must occur per the company’s motion. Moreover, with fuel prices climbing again and soft loads the DIP financing may be required to sustain operations. Thus, Mitchell may have no option but to agree with the company’s position to save the business enterprise and he could rule as early as December 17, but he must rule within 30 days.

Best regards,



Becareful what you wish for...it will come to bite you in the asset, specifically on the holidays if the judge would be niave enough to rule early or before the holidays.

As the company stated, if there is as trike, they will liquidate.

So, USA320, don't forget to shut the lights out on your way out the door.

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