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They Love Us In Phl Alright!


Aug 19, 2002
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Originally Posted by nrdsb4
Thanks for the link. Looks like most, (though not all) ships leaving from Philly go to Bermuda. I never realized cruise ships used this port; I always pictured it as a commercial goods hub vs. cruise ships. You really do learn something every day on this board!

We are cruising on the Enchantment to New England and Canada this summer. I'm looking forward to just getting dropped off by friends at the pier WITHOUT THE HASSLE OF DEALING WITH USAIR!


They were talking about being able to cruise from PHL without having to fly.
:shock: :down: Not surprised by the response.
Cruise ships have more popular in Philly the past year or two. During the fall i believe there is almost 1 ship a week to Bermuda. Yea, not much but for Philly it's a start.
Yes, because one person on a cruise ship forum is indicative of the entire city's sentiments. :huh:
N607P said:
Yes, because one person on a cruise ship forum is indicative of the entire city's sentiments. :huh:

Not an entire city, but indicative of I would guess a good bit of the population there. From dealing with the public front line, I can tell you a good many of the people going to PHL seem to feel this way. Many of them just dont have ANYTHING good to say about US or the agents/airport/TSA (really anything) in PHL.
Just as an aside, I can tell you this was just 1 post from this cruise board about US. They dedicated an entire thread to US a couple weeks ago while discussing whether to book on US for their upcoming cruise, and it wasnt a pretty picture. Not just from those IN PHL, but the majority of the posts, even from those in other areas, weren't flattering. Also this cruise BB has over 121,000 members viewing and reading it so even though it was a post from 1 person, it is very likely to have an impact on US somewhere down the line in someones decision.
I guess my main thought on this post from the bb was that once again, US = bad. I'm just sick of hearing this everywhere. :down: :angry:
Yeah, have to watch out knee-jerking from one comment from out of a hundred/thousand. I have had bosses who would not recognize stellar performance of a person all year yet bring up the one time the person had a necktie on crooked for part of a day five months ago. Or, the person in the audience who comes up to me to tell me that the spacing of the words in one of the lines in my presentation could have been better.

The key is to not let those minorities become the majorities in everyones' mind. These are the same people who walk up to the Mona Lisa, and say, "Yeah, but...."

Gotta learn to get above this type and not let them bring you down.
People who live in hubs always complain about thier hometown airline. Northwest sucks in DTW, MSP etc, AA sucks in Dallas, they rag on Delta in ATL. Never mind that these airlines are huge employers, and that they bring alot to the city's economy. Philly is very lucky to have such extensive service, particularly internationally. It's accessibility due to the Airways hub is great for business in PHL, which lives in the shadow of New York.

People always say bad things about airlines anyway. Your bags will be lost, staff are rude and make up rules just to annoy you, security will crimilalize you, food is so bad, hahaha. You're not going to break the ice at a party talking about how uneventful and well organized your trip was. No one mentions that if they flew 30 times in a year and it went perfectly 29 times, that the airline is great.

Carol will probably complain her way through her cruise as well, get off in Bermuda and compare everything to her neighborhood and generally be loud.
Funny thing...people who live in Seattle love AS. Why is that?
People only have to have the tiniest thing happen to badmouth an airline. I once heard a lady complain about US Airways because there was no toilet paper in the restroom... of the airport.

Just for fun, one can find plenty of hatred towards Alaska Airlines here. The first is from a lady from Seattle, who seems to be upset that she had to sit next to a fat lady, and therefore feels that the airline with Keith Richards on the tail is a horrible, rude company. She's the Cruise Ship Carol of the pacific northwest.
Granted, not everyone in Seattle loves AS. But the overall opinion of AS is much higher in SEA than AA in the Metroplex, NW in the Twin Cities, or US in Pennsylvania. Having lived in three of the four aforementioned territories, I've experienced this firsthand.

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