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The Star Alliance


Aug 30, 2003
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Now that UAIR is a full member of the Star Alliance when can those shared revenues be expected to arrive?

I recall Seigel stating that membership would add approx $200 Million annually to our bottom line. Or was this just another ruse to confuse the bloodhounds?

All we have heard of the Star Alliance is that their decals are blowing off the aircraft as fast as they are applied. Maybe that will consume all the revenue UAIR receives from being a member of the Star Alliance :shock: ?? I just find it interesting that nobody is hearing anything in regards to it.

I do not know the details of the disbursal of profits to participating members in the Star Alliance. Perhaps one of our white-collars 😉 could elaborate on the issue??

Do tell.
Well, not sure about the revenue, but it struck me that the expansion in FLL will play directly towards what the Star Allliance can offer.

It is no secret that Florida is a HUGE market for customers from the UK and the rest of Europe, with carrib. connections it makes it a strong pull for additional Star All. feed into FLL
I am sure the revenue will be whatever is convenient for them to lead us to believe. If it is the same idiot that ran numbers during the first round of concessions, which they said would be all that was need to be profitable, then it is probably costing us to be a member!!!
If it is doing anything positive for cash flow, don't expect to hear Anything from the company about it. They will only fill us in on how much they are bleeding to get the contracts opened up for a 3rd time. I'm sure that infamous $200 million is already figured in the $800 million they want in cuts.