- Mar 19, 2012
- 43
- 34
Your Honor, the DOJ allowed the United/Continental & Delta/Northwest mergers to go forward, but not us! That's not fair!!!
What a bunch of hypocrites!
I guess their idea of fair was when management received record bonus while the airline bled loss, and the unionized employees took massive concessions! this all happened during the period know as "shared sacrifices"
I'm sure those of you over at US Airways have countless stories about how your management team defines fair.
I'm retiring in a couple of years, I LOVE my job! I've enjoyed working with most of the people I have encountered in the 30+ years in the industry. The only reason I didn't take the early out is because my wife has major health issues, I really need the insurance. I hate what has become of the profession. I still remember my first day at AA, I was so eager and proud to join the team! There is sinister darkness that has invaded corporate America, and even our elected officials. The disparity between the common worker, and the CEO has blossomed out of control! The corporations control both houses of Congress. While you argue with your co-workers, neighbors, etc about which party is better for the Country, like your choosing a side in a football game, both parties are gutting your standard of living. You root them on at your expense, because "hey my party is right, and your's is wrong!" I don't know what the answer is, I just hope it changes for the better so that the future generation of workers will be as eager, and proud to join a team as I was so many years ago.
Your Honor, the DOJ allowed the United/Continental & Delta/Northwest mergers to go forward, but not us! That's not fair!!!
What a bunch of hypocrites!
I guess their idea of fair was when management received record bonus while the airline bled loss, and the unionized employees took massive concessions! this all happened during the period know as "shared sacrifices"
I'm sure those of you over at US Airways have countless stories about how your management team defines fair.
I'm retiring in a couple of years, I LOVE my job! I've enjoyed working with most of the people I have encountered in the 30+ years in the industry. The only reason I didn't take the early out is because my wife has major health issues, I really need the insurance. I hate what has become of the profession. I still remember my first day at AA, I was so eager and proud to join the team! There is sinister darkness that has invaded corporate America, and even our elected officials. The disparity between the common worker, and the CEO has blossomed out of control! The corporations control both houses of Congress. While you argue with your co-workers, neighbors, etc about which party is better for the Country, like your choosing a side in a football game, both parties are gutting your standard of living. You root them on at your expense, because "hey my party is right, and your's is wrong!" I don't know what the answer is, I just hope it changes for the better so that the future generation of workers will be as eager, and proud to join a team as I was so many years ago.