Does customer service really matter ? i mean there is a bottom level, a floor if you will ... but beyond that , does it matter ? a person shows up at the airport , checks in , goes throught the security checkpoint , boards the plane , sits for 3 hours , gets up and leaves the plane and that's the end of it ....unless they go to pick up their bag ....
How much fluff do we really need to add to this process ?
Let me use an example ... there's this store at the scottsdale fashion mall called SNATCH ... i happened to wander into the store for whatever reason and started looking around ... i stopped in my tracks when i saw this T shirt that had a price tag of 359 dollars on it ... i thought it might be a misprint and maybe they ment 30 dollars and 59 cents or three dollars and fifty nine cents .... but no , they were selling this T shirt with some glitter and an artisty imiage on it for about three hundred and fifty dollars ...
Do we really want to end up anything like that store ?
What i'm saying is that i think our level of service is just fine .. we don't need more glitter , let's just focus on trying to turn into a low cost airline ..