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The heat is on!


Nov 25, 2002
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[SPAN class=headline][A href=http://biz.yahoo.com/rb/030123/airlines_usairways_pension_2.html]Heat Is On as U.S. Air Mulls Pension Woe[/A][/SPAN][BR][BR][BR]
Nope, the pilots stuck their noses in our business and turnabout is fair play!
On 1/23/2003 2:48:59 PM Biffeman wrote:

[SPAN class=headline][A href="http://biz.yahoo.com/rb/030123/airlines_usairways_pension_2.html"]Heat Is On as U.S. Air Mulls Pension Woe[/A][/SPAN]



This is a pilot issue. As per your words//// let the pilots handle it.
The MEC needs the details of whatever plan the company has for dealing with the retirement issue. Right now all they have is promises. Until we have it in writing, you can forget the pilot group getting on board with it. I would ask no more of any other employee group in our company. I do have to disagree with others on whether or not the pensions of the other groups should be effected. If those pensions are funded, then leave them alone. It makes no sense to tamper with the pensions of IAM, AFA etc. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
This pilot group and management will have to find their own solutions to the problem IMHO. Time IS running out however. Dave better cough this so-called "PLAN B" up pretty quick.

A320 Driver
Scary thought huh Biff? LOL
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/23/2003 6:03:20 PM A320 Driver wrote:
[P]The MEC needs the details of whatever plan the company has for dealing with the retirement issue. Right now all we have is promises. Until we have it in writing, you can forget the pilot group getting on board with it. I would ask no more of any other employee group in our company. I do have to disagree with others on whether or not the pensions of the other groups should be effected. If those pensions are funded, then leave them alone. It makes no sense to tamper with the pensions of IAM, AFA etc. If it ain't broke, don't fix it![BR]This pilot group and management will have to find their own solutions to the problem IMHO. Time IS running out however. Dave better cough this so-called "PLAN B" up pretty quick.[BR][BR]A320 Driver[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]A320, that is the most sane post I have read!
On 1/23/2003 6:03:20 PM A320 Driver wrote:

The MEC needs the details of whatever plan the company has for dealing with the retirement issue. Right now all they have is promises. Until we have it in writing, you can forget the pilot group getting on board with it. I would ask no more of any other employee group in our company. I do have to disagree with others on whether or not the pensions of the other groups should be effected. If those pensions are funded, then leave them alone. It makes no sense to tamper with the pensions of IAM, AFA etc. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
This pilot group and management will have to find their own solutions to the problem IMHO. Time IS running out however. Dave better cough this so-called "PLAN B" up pretty quick.

A320 Driver

I believe most Pilots I have spoken to, share your sentiments. Thanks for stating the "record" fairly.
On 1/23/2003 6:10:16 PM A320 Driver wrote:

Scary thought huh Biff? LOL
Id Say So
good luck to all
from the street
On 1/23/2003 6:05:40 PM Biffeman wrote:

On 1/23/2003 6:03:20 PM A320 Driver wrote:

The MEC needs the details of whatever plan the company has for dealing with the retirement issue. Right now all we have is promises. Until we have it in writing, you can forget the pilot group getting on board with it. I would ask no more of any other employee group in our company. I do have to disagree with others on whether or not the pensions of the other groups should be effected. If those pensions are funded, then leave them alone. It makes no sense to tamper with the pensions of IAM, AFA etc. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
This pilot group and management will have to find their own solutions to the problem IMHO. Time IS running out however. Dave better cough this so-called "PLAN B" up pretty quick.

A320 Driver[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]

[/P]A320, that is the most sane post I have read!

Yes, 320's neurons are in firing order
Well I must A320DRIVER that I don't always see things your way, but on this one I see things exactly like you. GREAT POST!
Word has it that the MEC has "PLAN B" in hand. Now as most of us realize, the company will ALWAYS try to better their position, so somebody has to run up the "Time Out" flag. It normally takes a little time for the negotiators to cut to the chase. We should have an answer before long.

A320 Driver
On 1/23/2003 6:03:20 PM A320 Driver wrote:

The MEC needs the details of whatever plan the company has for dealing with the retirement issue. Right now all they have is promises. Until we have it in writing, you can forget the pilot group getting on board with it. I would ask no more of any other employee group in our company. I do have to disagree with others on whether or not the pensions of the other groups should be effected. If those pensions are funded, then leave them alone. It makes no sense to tamper with the pensions of IAM, AFA etc. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
This pilot group and management will have to find their own solutions to the problem IMHO. Time IS running out however. Dave better cough this so-called "PLAN B" up pretty quick.

A320 Driver


It's just a damshame it's come to this. While I've enjoyed Chip getting a dose of his own medicine, I have not relished the thought of ALPA, or any other group, taking a major hit on the pension. I have walked that mile, and I understand the rage, and the feelings of betrayal.

I floated a proposal a few times on this board that would have used external, objective measures to determine givebacks for each labor group. The goal was for each group to give an equal portion. Surely, ALPA would have given more in total dollars, because they rightly make the most, but they should NOT give a higher percentage (with the caveat of protecting those making less than $30,000 annually).

This proposal was dead on arrival. Obviously, as I am a mere farm boy, this proposal had to have occurred to the powers that be at the company and the unions before I ever opened my mouth. I think the company avoided this route because 'divide and conqueor' is such fun, and reaped such dividends. The unions ducked it because ALPA and the IAM thought they could leave someone else holding the bag.

Shame on us all - we and our 'leadership' got played masterfully. How could they not have seen it coming?

And now, here we are. You have my admiration for stepping up to the plate, and my sympathy for the sorry situation you're in, and the hope our unions will begin to understand solidarity.

On 1/23/2003 5:06:18 PM Biffeman wrote:

Nope, the pilots stuck their noses in our business and turnabout is fair play!
Come on, Biff.....like the Democrats, pilots know best....now where did US leave that HOT poker it used on the other unions!