The Decline Of Canadian Helicopter Culture

  • Thread starter Guest_Sisyphus_*
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Attitudes like these, held by managers and pilots, are a real indication that the helicopter culture in Canada is in serious trouble.

Cap probably has a managerial position in Manitoba. In response to an opinion with which he obviously did not agree he relpied:

In my military days, you would have automatically found your bedsheets "Frenched" tonite, with potato chips included, for a comment like that. Say it again and 30 guys would have put you in the ice cold showers for 30 minutes.

This man, who has a position of some responsibility, seems prone to making his points by threatening juvenile frat house pranks and then, if that doesn't work, actual physical violence.

In another reply, he describes his method of computing weight and balance. The flying public should be aware of the cavalier attitude that many helicopter pilots have when dealing with an important logistical aspect of the aircraft in which they are about to fly. This seems perilously close to irresponsibility.

Sisyphus ------- my friend, if you have to weigh each passenger and each item to know what your 'all-up gross' is, then you got a pile of learning to do yourself. I'll pull my a/c into a low hover, 'out of ground effect' and tell you exactly whether I have enough power and am legal or not. If you can't do that, then you better get learning quickly. If you've been flying your a/c for some time and STILL need a scales to tell you what your a/c weighs on take-off are, or if your legal, then you have 'twisted metal and some serious pain' in your future sir.

407 Driver casts the following insult at Germans.

Given the [] -heads here never improve their bad Wx areas, They ski all the tree runs on WX day 1 and 2, then ask us to go up above treeline on days with fairly flat light.

[] -heads is of course a reference to 'square heads'. Do you really think this impresses people? Do you not think that perhaps the odd German citizen visits this forum? On behalf of the 'professional' helicopter pilots in Canada, an apology is offered. 407 Driver reveals himself to be dispoditious.

4961 seems to be a bit thin skinned. One hopes that when he is angry, he is not violent. He replies in part to a critisism of his treatise on heliskiing flying technique with:

Have you ever done any heliskiing? I'm not trying to be too smug here, but you've pissed me off.

The reader is invited to peruse the USaviation and CAaviation forums if he wishes to study the entire context of these remarks.

A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends. Baltasar Gracian
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I'm not apologising for that Sissy, because it's true. You may be offended by [], but I'm offended by the rest of the message, the operator in question DOES NOT improve his ski area, and does ask pilots to go above treeeline BECAUSE he is out of tree runs. The clients are generally rude, it's a fact.

deal with it !
Sisyphus, once again your sweeping generalisations have proven to be an embarrassment to the Canadian helicopter industry.
Comments like yours are the only declination of Canadian Helicopter Culture.
Unfortunately you are now presenting them on an American website as well. It's no wonder we want our own site, if only to hide characters like yourself.
It's obvious why our American cousins think the Canadian industry is pro-union and in a state of unrest when they read your sensationalistic and isolated views.

I have not seen any 'military' pranks like those discussed by Cap being used anywhere in the Canadian commercial helicopter industry.
These references appear to be a remnant of his distant past, an attempt at humour, or a venting of frustration at one of your radical and implausible remarks. Most likely, they are a combination of all three.

Cap's personal comments on determining weight by lifting into a hover are also from the distant past, and are not regularly used or condoned by anyone I know in Canada.
Considering Cap's vast experience I am not surprised he used these methods. Many pilots from his era didn't even perform a hover check. Being shot at in Vietnam on a hot and humid day is not a place to pull out the scales and calculator.
I have flown heliskiing for 4 different companies over 8 seasons and every one of them has used scales and HOGE/WAT charts.

I think 407's comments about 'square heads' (your term, not his) could refer to many guides (regardless of their nationality) that do not think ahead or consider the needs of the aircraft. These guides are usually referred to as 'old school' and are also fading into the distant past.
Each ski season sees increased awareness on the part of the guides as well as pilots and management, and the excellent accident record over the last few seasons reflects this.

4961's initial post was thought to be excellent by many of the other writers, most of whom have an enormous amount of experience at heliskiing. Considering your incredible response I am not surprised he was frustrated to the level of being "pissed-off" by your remarks.
Personally, I felt your post was rude and naive.

Heliskiing involves landing heavily loaded helicopters on small peaks, in forest clearings and onto glaciers, all amongst the deepest, fluffiest, lightest powder snow in the world.
It it some of the most challenging VFR helicopter flying anywhere.
Gambler was a wise person to ask about it in the first place, and the likes of Cap, 407 Driver and 4961 have provided some excellent (and interesting) responses.

I look forward to seeing Gambler and the others out in the wilderness again this season.
Hopefully you and your negative attitude will stay at home and dream about socialism.
This seems highly likely as it appears from your attitude and remarks that you have never flown any heliskiing in your career.

As you like to finish your posts with a quote, here are some for you that seem appropriate.......
"It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot, than to open it and remove all doubt".
"A wise man learns nothing by speaking, but alot by listening".
"It often shows a fine command of language to say nothing at all".
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Hey Syphilis why don't you go to the clinic for a penicllin shot.
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If you are offended by comments people have made, then so be it. But your lone opinion that this shows a decline in out helicopter culture doesn't make it true. You're more than welcome to your opinion, but don't confuse an idea with a fact. You could say it ten times over and it still wouldn't make it true. I've got an idea or two about you based on your past posts, but they are based on limited information and hardly constitute fact.
Guest_Sisyphus_* said:
4961 seems to be a bit thin skinned. One hopes that when he is angry, he is not violent. He replies in part to a critisism of his treatise on heliskiing flying technique with:

Sisyphus, you are low grade. Just so you know. Seems like the rest of the gang on the forum agrees. As far as I can tell in our industry, you're turning out to be the lowest common denominator.
The rest of the crew, top notch, and here's to ya.

That and the question still stands, have you done any heliskiing?
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It's typical of up with a controversial statement then hightail it out of here.
I highly doubt 4961 that you'll see a response. It's kind of like the kid throwing snowballs at your car.
Hey Sissypuss,

1). What the hell is "dispoditious".
It sounds like a new type of throw-away paper plates !!!
If your were trying to describe 407 Driver as being like a despot, you missed the mark again. That term doesn't fit the context of your statement either.

2). Who are you to "offer an apology on behalf of the 'professional' helicopter pilots in Canada".
It is obvious you don't speak for anyone other than yourself......(and people have asked you not to do that either) !!

3). Your description of German citizens as being "odd" is the most offensive comment I have seen here.

If you want to gain some credibility,
-Don't make up words,
-Don't appoint yourself as a spokesman,
-Don't be racist,
-Get a grip on reality,

-Aim higher !!!


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In case you don't know. CAV is back up and running...

Well ok. It was... Now its down again... :down: :down: :down:
Gents, thanks for the words of support. I must offer my fellow forum members, co-workers, and friends an apology for my off-color outburst. .....Not all that funny, nor not at all appropriate.
I offer sisyphus and the targeted operator (NOT German) no such appology though, as my comments are quite true of his operations.

We have a great group, and can learn a lot from each other, plus have some fun.

As they say, keep yer stick on the Ice !
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Get a work Visa.
I hear Nigeria is nice this time of year.

Put your name in the Green Card lottery

Just remember. There aren't too many Timmies south of Pelee Island!

Where's your touque eh?