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SVP @ United Is Missing For Almost 2 Weeks


Oct 23, 2010
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You would think an exec at his level would employ bodyguards around him while all the killings are going on in Chicago. He may have thought he was in a safe place, however, you never know when the bad folks will venture into other "known" areas of safety for an easier target than where they normally commit crimes and assaults as well as kidnappings.
Hope this man is found soon.
Prayers and thoughts for him and his family for a safe return to his family.

Guess you don't know the Chicago area... The suburbs might as well be in another state. No violence once you get outside the city limits because the police there aren't handcuffed for the benefit of politicians saving face. I've never seen an airline exec with a bodyguard...

This is an odd story to be sure, and after a week it's time to assume the worst.

There's a lot of water in the forest preserve where his car was found. If he somehow drowned in the Des Plaines River, his body could be almost anywhere between the woods and New Orleans -- the Des Plaines flows into the Illinois which flows into the Mississippi....
Correct I do not know the Chicago areas at all. With all the killings on the news I was thinking it was pretty bad all over even suburbs. Ok so maybe not a hired bodyguard, but what ever happened to running in pairs or larger no matter where you are? I see it all the time where I live at all the Lakes. Very seldom do you see someone walking or jogging alone and I especially recommend the ladies pair or triple up for safety reasons.
Not piling on, but E’s right; the suburbs might as well be in another universe.
I also would think that with his income range he is in a very quiet, hood and possibly private and gated. And I'm sure this reserve is close to his home and he felt safe.
Still not found, I assume?
I also would think that with his income range he is in a very quiet, hood and possibly private and gated. And I'm sure this reserve is close to his home and he felt safe.
Still not found, I assume?

they are correct. the city forces city employees to live in the city and there are residential areas (many cops & firemen) devoid of violent crime - it also causes housing prices to be relatively astronomical in those areas.

city workers. i know a former garbageman getting a $6k monthly city pension. firemen with 25 years + 1 day get 75% of their last pay. $100k in salary = $75k yearly pension. God bless them.
Those same city employees usually bolt for the suburbs (or another state) the day they retire so they're no longer handcuffed to living there... but that's a story for another thread.

SWA, the place he was jogging isn't exactly near his home... it's about 15 miles away, but Elmhurst proper is way too built up and there's nowhere to run without inhaling exhaust fumes from traffic or trains. That's why people will drive 15-20 minutes out to the forest preserves. They're considered extremely safe and you can actually breathe fairly clean air by Chicago standards. This particular preserve is located "around" the Argonne National Lab, which has great perimeter security courtesy of the Department of Energy.....
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