(stupid) Tourist Awards


Jun 28, 2003
Dallas, TX
When I read this article I was thinking, "What a coincidence that a travel agency owner knows all these people. I have had every single one of them on one of my flights at one time or another."

"In her 30 years in the travel business, Susan Fox of Fox Safaris has been collecting stories of tourists that do incredibly stupid things. œ"I've developed this internal, sort of underground publication for the enjoyment of frazzled coworkers, she says." She calls it the Tourist of The Year award.

Some of (my) favorites: (Mr. or Ms. Pax is used in place of passenger name)

The Check Your Clothes Dryer Vent Award to Mr. Pax who unpacked after his cruise, laundered all his clothes and weeks later found one sock missing. He wondered if we could check the ship to see if it was found.

The Total Abdication of Responsibility for One's Own Actions Award to Mr. Pax who is furious with us because we allowed his wife to drink so much during the onboard vodka tasting that she couldn't walk straight and was hung over the entire next day. We later received a second, even more furious, letter from said pax elaborating on the fact that his father-in-law, who was on the trip with them, also was seriously ill with a hangover. (I'm certain this guy must commute out of STL. I have him on every week.)

The Some People Should Not Be Issued a Passport Award to Mr. Pax who is irate because he was told his gateway airport is Kennedy, but all of his documents say JFK.

Link to the rest of the awards