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Spirit is OUT of ISP as of End of Month!

Art at ISP

Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
Dix Hills NY
I heard from a Spirit captain I met yesterday that ISP is gone as of the end of the month. Wow. It lasted all of 3 months.

He said they were all nearly full, but I guess the yields were low.

Nothing like a tease--come for a few months and skidaddle.

Oh--and it was confirmed by my friends at US when I got back to ISP last night
I heard from a Spirit captain I met yesterday that ISP is gone as of the end of the month. Wow. It lasted all of 3 months.

He said they were all nearly full, but I guess the yields were low.

Nothing like a tease--come for a few months and skidaddle.

Oh--and it was confirmed by my friends at US when I got back to ISP last night

This is old news. They needed to cut 5 badly negotiated leases out of the fleet (from Dr. S days). So, in order to keep the increased flying to South America, other, lower yield routes have to be cut. ISP did not respond quickly, so it was cut. The information from the CA was not accurate--only based on his/her experience.

Sorry it was only all of three months. Who would have thought fuel would increase like this?

By the way, if anyone cares, a lot of people are losing jobs and facing downgrades due to the fuel crisis.

And a lot of NK people, Art, are former US people--my DH, included. So please stop with the gloating.

This is old news. They needed to cut 5 badly negotiated leases out of the fleet (from Dr. S days). So, in order to keep the increased flying to South America, other, lower yield routes have to be cut. ISP did not respond quickly, so it was cut. The information from the CA was not accurate--only based on his/her experience.

Sorry it was only all of three months. Who would have thought fuel would increase like this?

By the way, if anyone cares, a lot of people are losing jobs and facing downgrades due to the fuel crisis.

And a lot of NK people, Art, are former US people--my DH, included. So please stop with the gloating.



ART...Gloating ??

What Planet did YOU just arrive from ?

Art in ISP is a Gentleman, with a CAPITAL.."G" !!
I agree that Art is a gentleman. However, the reference he made was, indeed, gloating. It was judgmental without facts to back it up. He reported gossip and arrived at a conclusion which is defamitory that he reported to the world:

'Nothing like a tease--come for a few months and skidaddle.

Wow. It lasted all of 3 months."

People's livelihoods are at stake as airlines struggle. Uttering misrepresentations can cause severe unintentioned consequences.

You ask the Planet of origin for me. I arrive from the planet of having the facts for the last 30 years in this industry.

By the way, you waste bandwith quoting posts that were posted immediately preceding your post.

Have a good day.


Thank you for your kind words.


I was in NO WAY gloating, I was expressing astonishment that they would leave after such a short stay. I was hoping that they would stay the course--it is not healthy for an airport to be dominated by one carrier (WN). With US now the ONLY other carrier, and signs that they may pull back or leave, I would not want to see WN be the only carrier at the airport, which is both a nice airport and very convenient for me.

I happen to know Spirit's CEO and VP Marketing, so I was just surprised, that's all.
Thank you Art. I'll accept that you were not gloating. However you did express an opinion after hearing things that were based on gossip.

However, you need to recognize that your "astonishment" as phrased can affect the livilhoods of those about which you care. It is really prudent to refrain from posting any longer on these kinds of issues without real facts as the impact can be far reaching since most secondary readers don't bother to verify sources.

Please remember that some of your US friends are now (and have been for the past 7-10 years) NK friends.

And if you know the CEO and VP of Marketing, could you please let us in on the plans?!!!! Just whisper it in a PM, please. 🙂



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