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Something Fishy With Starfish?

Not to be rhetorical, but how can UAL get cost data on the plan without knowing when and where each service is going to start? By Boyd's logic, SWA doesn't ahve a coherant plan for the future, after all they haven't announced top the public (or Boyd) which cities they plan to serve next. there is very little data being leaked to the public for a reason. doesn't make sense to inform th competition exactly where we are going next. The LCC will be smaller than planned somply because mainline will now be able to compete in some markets we would have been unable to compete in before.
" Everybody wants United to get its tail out of chapter 11. "

Yes. That is true. The Boyd Group/ASRC,Inc (and many others) want to belly-up to the bar and fill their bellies with information. Tilton is not running a "drink bar". Though the folks at Boyd's can try to suck out information to expound upon, they are sucking on that dry hind tit and they hate it. (Perhaps you noted there is no name on the article.)
Boyd Boyd Boyd.

He gives wihsy washy a new name. I agree that starfish has a lot of challanges for it to be successful - Boyd is on record as saying Song was a smart move for Delta.

He regularly praises and criticizes united in one week.
I'm not a particular fan of either Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh either.

But I do enjoy listening to those guys because they are provocative. Same thing with Mike Boyd and all the other airline "consultants" (including those McKinsey clowns whom UA is currently paying millions per month).

Boyd poses some good simple questions. I don't see anybody specifically responding here.

I've always thought UA's saving strengths are the route network and brand name.

Why isn't Tilton building upon these assets rather than attempting to copy others?

Focus guys focus.
whatkindoffreshhell said:
I've always thought UA's saving strengths are the route network and brand name.

Why isn't Tilton building upon these assets rather than attempting to copy others?

Focus guys focus.
Have you been reading any United-issued press releases over the course of 2003?

Glenn Tilton *has* been emphasizing this.

This is why the LCO will be closely branded -- much like United Express.
Bullhucky...you're darn right there is something fishy with this thing. If our management and our pilots have put us "back in the game" with our competitors, why confuse our customers? Plain and simple, I call United.."do you fly to such and so....yes....how much?" and then I check who else and how much...and depending on price gap, if competitive I choose who is more convienent for me or if in a crunch, who is cheapest....PERIOD. No fancy this that or the other. And you didn't have to pay me millions of dollars to figure it out! If their pilots fly longer cheaper, we have to find a way to offset that cost structure or guess what....we can't compete over the long haul. If we can't support all the "infrastructure" aka management, engineering guess what...we can't compete. If we can't maintain them at the same cost...we can get rid of the other 50% of maintenance we have left. Unless there are offsetting cost structures, you cannot compete head to head with another business who operates with lower overhead costs over the long haul. There is only one way you are going to challenge these LCC....TAKE THEIR CUSTOMERS. Because at their current cost structures (which will eventually change BTW) we are getting our butts kicked.
The Ronin said:
KLM/Air France Tie-Up Seen Reducing Transatlantic Fares

Here's an example of your statement, but I don't think it is the outcome you were looking for.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003 03:17 PM ET
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NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Air France Group's merger with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM, news) is prompting two major U.S. airlines to apply for membership in the SkyTeam alliance, which could shift market share and cut some transatlantic airfares by as much as 25%.

"Their growth will come at the expense of others," said Engel, who doesn't own airline shares. Goldman seeks investment banking business with airlines.Experts say the alliance should benefit those U.S. carriers by shifting more transatlantic market share their way the alliance will shift some market share to Delta, Continental and Northwest from competitors, like AMR Corp. (AMR, news)'s (AMR, news) American Airlines or UAL Corp. (UALAQ, news)'s (UALAQ, news) United,
An encyclopedia description of "Starfish"

II Structure
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Generally starfish are rather stiff bodied and crawl slowly. The mouth is directed downward and is surrounded by a number of arms radiating away from it, each arm bearing rows of tube feet used in crawling, attachment, and feeding. The arm length varies, and four, six, or more arms instead of the usual five are not uncommon. The anus is often lacking; if present, it is on the body's upper surface. The skin, rough and leathery, usually bears spines. The animal has a large gut, a complex system of body cavities, and a simple, brainless nervous system.

III Behavior
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Starfish have moderately well developed senses of touch, smell, and taste and also respond to light. They feed on a wide range of items, including ocean-bottom deposits. They can eat small animals whole; they deal with larger prey by extruding their stomachs and digesting the prey outside their bodies. Some starfish eat bivalves by prying open the shells with their arms and then slipping their stomachs between the two shell valves.

It really is amazing how much United management and the Starfish have in common.
"They can eat small animals whole;"

Like little wabbits, and foxes and other furry little creatures.... I like it!!!
🙄 Why is UAL creating an airline within an airline that will compete with itself on some routes? :unsure: If someone could explain this to me, I would greatly appreciate it. I believe that in todays markets and economy that it is sometimes hard enough to compete against other companies, but to compete with yourself is NUTS! :shock: