Something A Little Off Topic


May 12, 2004
Somewhere out West
I just finished a two day trip that took me through DCA. While there I had one of those touching moments that seem to stay with you for quite awhile. I saw two Marines escorting a coffin and while it was being loaded onto an aircraft I could also see that one of the Marines had his arm in a cast. My guess was that these men had been part of the battle for Fallujah and they were taking a fallen friend home.

I mentioned what I saw to my wife over the phone prior to getting home and being a better wordsmith than I, she had put together some thoughts in the form of a poem when I made it home. It reflects her feelings in tune with the holiday season and what it must have been like taking their comrade home for the last time.

So, for what it’s worth we should remember what these people are going through and what is happening at USAirways is of minute consequence compared to what is happening elsewhere in the world.

Let Us Not Forget

The snow is falling from the sky
Forming a picture from Curriers and Ives.
All the houses are glowing with Christmas lights.
Children are building snowmen and having snow fights.
Two Marines board their flight in sober tones,
Escorting their best friend’s body back home.
Making sure they are placed in first class seats,
The Captain tells the Flight Attendant,
“Give them a beer on me. They look pretty beatâ€￾.
Extending out to shake their hands
The Captain takes a step back.
He notices one Marine’s arm wrapped in a cast.
They show signs of the war not only on their faces
But with scars that are a reminder they come from guarded places.
As the Captain prepares to depart,
He knows this flight will be flown with a heavy heart.
The precious cargo he has on board
Lost his life to an ugly war.
This Marine stood tall and fought the enemy
That would never accept freedom and peaceful harmony.
The family waits for their son’s return.
He will be buried with full honors, Taps and the 21 gun salute.
As we wrap the presents and place them under the tree,
Remember to say a prayer for all our Armed Forces
That are protecting our country.
Let us not forget
The war is not over with yet.

that is a beautiful poem and defintely i send my best regards and my prayers go out to all of the fallen comrades in the military and their families, and friends and to all of the fighting men and women of the armed services
MtnMan928 thankyou for sharing that heartfelt poem your wife was inspired to write as i was reading it I felt a LUMP in my throat. we may not all agree that this war was neccessary but we should all support and have the utmost respect for those brave AMERICAN men and women who go and serve our Great Nation at any cost!......God Bless Our Troops!
That was beautiful. I'm sure those young men would have appreciated reading it. It's nice to know that you took a moment to share that with your wife. That means that it really touched you and now it has touched all of us. Thank you for sharing it with us.