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SOC/OCC Rumor Mill


Dec 22, 2006
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There is a rumor floating around on a few other sites today that US halted the construction on the new combined SOC/OCC in PIT. Normally I dont buy into rumors but this wouldn't surprise me one bit with some of the things that have came out of LCC lately. Does any one here know of or heard of anything about this?
There is a rumor floating around on a few other sites today that US halted the construction on the new combined SOC/OCC in PIT. Normally I dont buy into rumors but this wouldn't surprise me one bit with some of the things that have came out of LCC lately. Does any one here know of or heard of anything about this?
Talked to a dispatcher while he was getting numbers for us and he said that everything was still on track as far as he knew.

That was about a week ago.
Not sure if this has been covered in another post, but why is an expensive new OCC building even needed?

Sure, the combined US/HP operation is bigger than the current East one, but not as big as East was pre 9/11 and certainly smaller than, say, in 1990 before the West Coast got whacked and many smaller PI outstations were closed (yes, a lot of former AL stations we "expressed" as well but my admittedly jaundiced memory is that the closures were mostly in Speedbird territory).

While keeping OCC in PIT is one of the few recent Tempe decisions I agree with, has Tempe stated the reasons for a new facility?

I know one of the GC reps and my PIT office is right down the street, and I can assure that construction has not halted.

Nor will it, because if it does, my understanding is that US immediately owes the county and state a ton of money, and absent a BK court to run to......

I know one of the GC reps and my PIT office is right down the street, and I can assure that construction has not halted.

Nor will it, because if it does, my understanding is that US immediately owes the county and state a ton of money, and absent a BK court to run to......

Really??! Strange, I thought US was doing fine pre-merger.
Really??! Strange, I thought US was doing fine pre-merger.

I'm not talking about pre-merger.

If US tries to bail out now that state/county money has gone it, it's my understanding that they are "on the hook" for most/all costs and "penalties for early withdraw" if you will.

The county and state, apparently, were not about to make the same mistake again (although as a former PIT resident and taxpayer, the correct move was to give Dougweiser and Scotch the firm middle finger before giving out another dime in tax breaks or loans).
I'm not talking about pre-merger.

If US tries to bail out now that state/county money has gone it, it's my understanding that they are "on the hook" for most/all costs and "penalties for early withdraw" if you will.

The county and state, apparently, were not about to make the same mistake again (although as a former PIT resident and taxpayer, the correct move was to give Dougweiser and Scotch the firm middle finger before giving out another dime in tax breaks or loans).

You're correct, my mistake.
I'm not talking about pre-merger.

If US tries to bail out now that state/county money has gone it, it's my understanding that they are "on the hook" for most/all costs and "penalties for early withdraw" if you will.

The county and state, apparently, were not about to make the same mistake again (although as a former PIT resident and taxpayer, the correct move was to give Dougweiser and Scotch the firm middle finger before giving out another dime in tax breaks or loans).
And what would they be "on the hook" for? The State/County are not investing anything other than a few Grants (about $3M) for after the fact training. The already executed Loans would obviously be paid back by US. The State/County are not investing any actual $ into this project - unless you can come up with a few facts to prove otherwise. Penalties? Maybe a few relatively miniscual labor related penalties. US is unlikely (without proof) to have entered into any contract with the government with cancellation fee provisions, knowing full well the possibility of acquiring/merging with another airline. The largest potential provision is that US could be required to pay for the return of the property to it's pre-construction state. If US walked away from the project, the State would outright own the result - without any debt, completely unlike the airport history.
As I understand, OCC is on track, will be built, and probably be very high tech. Just wondering though. Where were you when the city of PIT gave that sweet heart deal to the football team, then the base ball team, and now the hockey team?
Where I come from, those deals would never fly. {BOS} Owners pay.
Atlantic isn't THAT the truth. Remember Plan B for the city? They wanted to tax everybody and their mother to build those BS stadiums. If we don't get a statium for the Pirates we'll have to leave...BYE. If we don't get a stadium for the Steelers we'll have to leave to another city....BYE! ! And don't even get me on those sorry Penguins. PPPPPPPPLEASE. Take them to Vegas or Kansas. Who the hell can afford a night of hockey. The whole city/county is crooked and a total CROCK. Oh yeah I wouldn't put Usairways and HIGH TECH in the same paragraph even. REMOTELY. :lol:
Airlines to sports vrnues is like apples to cut grass. At least some airline jobs give to the tax base. Sport venues do not surport what they are given if they do it like PIT did. The rate payers get creamed in a good season or bad. Now granted, PIT does get some tax on income from the players, but does it fill the void? Don't think so.
And the rate payer's got a vote on this!
But I don't live in PIT.
As I understand, OCC is on track, will be built, and probably be very high tech. Just wondering though. Where were you when the city of PIT gave that sweet heart deal to the football team, then the base ball team, and now the hockey team?
Where I come from, those deals would never fly. {BOS} Owners pay.
Ground has already been broken. I hit a few golfballs at Scalley's and after took a shovel from the trunk and walked up the hill through the guy's yard north and turned over the virgin dirt.