
Aug 21, 2002
By God Indiana
First of let me state I am a non-smoker (That is if the occasinal cigar doesn't count), and I worked in Dallas for three years (at the MX hangar) and a trip to HDQ for something or other was a weekly event.

One of the cool things I though about our company culture is hell, you can smoke just about any where in the bulding. Now they are ending that confining smokers to assigned break areas.

Smokers in Dallas just remember when that non-smoker is trying to sell you some of his or her kids Girl Scout cookies that it's because of them you have to find an assinged area now to light one up. Just say no.

What's next non-alcoholic Spirit parties? Vegitarian Chili Cook offs? ;)
First of let me state I am a non-smoker (That is if the occasinal cigar doesn't count), and I worked in Dallas for three years (at the MX hangar) and a trip to HDQ for something or other was a weekly event.

One of the cool things I though about our company culture is hell, you can smoke just about any where in the bulding. Now they are ending that confining smokers to assigned break areas.

Smokers in Dallas just remember when that non-smoker is trying to sell you some of his or her kids Girl Scout cookies that it's because of them you have to find an assinged area now to light one up. Just say no.

What's next non-alcoholic Spirit parties? Vegitarian Chili Cook offs? ;)

Bubble - I'm not understanding your point. What do Girl Scout cookies have to do with smoking?

Sure you can say "no" to the seller and if you say "no" often enough you probably won't be asked again. But non-smokers say "no" to the smoke yet they have to walk through a cloud of pollution anyway. But they still say "no" and yet they still walk through it.

What you are promoting is a 'tit for tat' tactic that could lead to hatred.

I think you should applaude the decision our leaders made in the interest of all those concerned. It was a compromise that was fair. Think about those employers who require their smoking emmployees to take it outside.
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Bubble - I'm not understanding your point. What do Girl Scout cookies have to do with smoking?

Sure you can say "no" to the seller and if you say "no" often enough you probably won't be asked again. But non-smokers say "no" to the smoke yet they have to walk through a cloud of pollution anyway. But they still say "no" and yet they still walk through it.

What you are promoting is a 'tit for tat' tactic that could lead to hatred.

I think you should applaude the decision our leaders made in the interest of all those concerned. It was a compromise that was fair. Think about those employers who require their smoking emmployees to take it outside.


The girl scout's thing was just "tounge and cheek" humor. There was no malicious intent.

Let me tell you this though, Smokers are innovative. They will find a way to get around the rules. The company has not made provisions here in BWI to accomidate smokers. So you find them in every nook and cranny taking a quick smoke between flights.

As enforcement goes into effect don't you think there is going to be resentment as people have to change their habits.

Regarding saying no to smoke, every smoker I know, always asked if I mind if they light up. If I were to say no, I doubt they would.

Yea, it's good for everybody, but I have been here 13 years and part of the fun of working for this company was sorta the policitly incorrect way of handling things.

We are on our way just to becoming United one step at a time. A "BIG" airline.
No malicious intent here either.

But the pendulum has swung the other way on the smokers and it will never go back.

As it should be. A 'normal' environment is smoke-free (just like normal is the toilet seat down) and smokers have always caused resentment by forcing non-smokers to endure these clouds.

Hey, I don't have a problem with smokers but I never could figure out how the airlines could tolerate smoking & non-smoking sections in the craft.

As for Girl Scout cookies -- love 'em! And my daughters sell 'em too -- door-door in our neighborhood or outside the grocery store.

They earn their own reward instead of some fanatical parent pushing junk upon their co-workers.

Actually I think smoking should be allowed inside private retail businesses (i.e. bars) since you don't have to patronize the bar.

You do have to go to work though....
Actually I think smoking should be allowed inside private retail businesses (i.e. bars) since you don't have to patronize the bar.
I recently quit smoking, mostly because my 13 year old was bugging the heck out of me about it. But they have also passed smoking bans in most of the suburbs here in KC. And even as a "new nonsmoker", I think it's wrong. If you don't like smoke in a restaurant or bar, find one that doesn't allow smoking. If the restaurant or bar you want to partronize is well known for it's food or entertainment, but allows smoking, then you have to decide if it's worth putting up with the smoke to get in to be a part of it all. If it IS worth the hassle, then quitcherbitchen and enjoy the show.
I recently quit smoking, mostly because my 13 year old was bugging the heck out of me about it. But they have also passed smoking bans in most of the suburbs here in KC. And even as a "new nonsmoker", I think it's wrong. If you don't like smoke in a restaurant or bar, find one that doesn't allow smoking. If the restaurant or bar you want to partronize is well known for it's food or entertainment, but allows smoking, then you have to decide if it's worth putting up with the smoke to get in to be a part of it all. If it IS worth the hassle, then quitcherbitchen and enjoy the show.

Did the Dallas voterS pass a no smoking ban in the last election. The voters just did in Nevada and all the casinos are all no smoking effective 12/4/06. Welcome to democracy!!!
Did the Dallas voter pass a no smoking ban in the last election. The voters just did in Nevada and all the casinos are all no smoking effective 12/4/06. Welcome to democracy!!!
I didn't realize that democracy was where a private business owner could be told exactly how to run his business. I thought democracy was where people voted with their feet...if they don't like smoking in a casino - open a nonsmoking casino. Surely if the public outcry was there, nonsmokers would flock to this new casino and the others would follow suit to recapture that market share. Oddly enough, in Kansas city, their smoking ban includes all businesses except casinos.
Did the Dallas voter pass a no smoking ban in the last election. The voters just did in Nevada and all the casinos are all no smoking effective 12/4/06. Welcome to democracy!!!
The Dallas City Council passed a no-smoking ban in all restaurants and businesses where the public can go--including business offices. I'm not sure, but I think "pure" bars were exempted. If it is a restaurant with a bar that is open to the dining room--no-smoking.

And, as someone who smoked for 30 years, may I say, it's about d*mn time! I don't want to hear about personal rights. Smoking is not only stupid (I can't believe I smoked as long as I did)and expensive, it is injurious to the health of anyone in the vicinity in addition to the actual smoker. Just as you do not have the "right" to drive while drunk and kill me with your car, you do not have the right to kill me with your second-hand smoke either.

Lung cancer was considered an extremely rare disease in the U.S. until WWI when the cigarette companies in a burst of "patriotism" started providing free cigarettes to the troops. They also used crafty advertising after the war to hook women into the habit by portraying the female cigarette smoker as a "modern, liberated woman."
The Dallas City Council passed a no-smoking ban in all restaurants and businesses where the public can go--including business offices. I'm not sure, but I think "pure" bars were exempted. If it is a restaurant with a bar that is open to the dining room--no-smoking.

And, as someone who smoked for 30 years, may I say, it's about d*mn time! I don't want to hear about personal rights. Smoking is not only stupid (I can't believe I smoked as long as I did)and expensive, it is injurious to the health of anyone in the vicinity in addition to the actual smoker. Just as you do not have the "right" to drive while drunk and kill me with your car, you do not have the right to kill me with your second-hand smoke either.

Lung cancer was considered an extremely rare disease in the U.S. until WWI when the cigarette companies in a burst of "patriotism" started providing free cigarettes to the troops. They also used crafty advertising after the war to hook women into the habit by portraying the female cigarette smoker as a "modern, liberated woman."

Ooops! Meant to tell Ramper that the casinos and "stand alone bars" are exempt from the no smoking ban. Also, a suit was filed yesterday to halt the implementation. Has not been ruled on yet.
Ooops! Meant to tell Ramper that the casinos and "stand alone bars" are exempt from the no smoking ban. Also, a suit was filed yesterday to halt the implementation. Has not been ruled on yet.
Yes i saw the report. I personally find it appalling that something that the majority of voters wanted is so easily shut down...
Yes i saw the report. I personally find it appalling that something that the majority of voters wanted is so easily shut down...
You know ramper...when it comes to revenues, the casino's know their best customers. And if those best customers have a cigarette hanging out of their mouth, they certainly aren't going to send them away from the slot machines or gaming tables...because every puff outdoors is one less dollar earned by the casino.
If you don't like smoke in a restaurant or bar, find one that doesn't allow smoking. If the restaurant or bar you want to partronize is well known for it's food or entertainment, but allows smoking, then you have to decide if it's worth putting up with the smoke to get in to be a part of it all. If it IS worth the hassle, then quitcherbitchen and enjoy the show.

I can't find it right now but I sure wish I could. An old Captain I flew with back in the late 60's had a collection of ink stamps. He used to stamp the flight plans as we used to be able to smoke in the cockpit. It was misery to sit in a cockpit with a smoker and he had a great way of handling the issue. One of the stamps was a great line that I am sure I will botch but the essence was this.

"Smoking is your pleasure and the residue of your pleasure is the smoke from your cigarette. As a result of your pleasure my clothes become tainted with the smell of your pleasure.

Beer is my pleasure and urination is the residue of my pleasure. Please don't be offended if I pi$$ on your clothes with the residue of my pleasure."

As a non-smoker for life how someone could expect others in close quarters to endure their smoke is always been a mystery to me. What I have also found is that smokers generally hold the cigarette away from themselves when between puffs. At arms length to avoid having the smoke swirl in their face generally puts the smoke in line with the non-smokers in the room.
I say, it's about d*mn time! I don't want to hear about personal rights. Smoking is not only stupid (I can't believe I smoked as long as I did)and expensive, it is injurious to the health of anyone in the vicinity in addition to the actual smoker. Just as you do not have the "right" to drive while drunk and kill me with your car, you do not have the right to kill me with your second-hand smoke either.

Amen and AMEN! :up:
You know ramper...when it comes to revenues, the casino's know their best customers. And if those best customers have a cigarette hanging out of their mouth, they certainly aren't going to send them away from the slot machines or gaming tables...because every puff outdoors is one less dollar earned by the casino.
well said KC... whatever keeps the tourist paying my taxes...