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Siegel Staying?

Will Siegel make his exit and keep his severence or stay past April?

  • 1)Take the money and run.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2)Stick it out.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Benz M-100

Aug 20, 2002
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I kinda think he'll stay, but what do I know? I'm beginning to think it may not matter anyway.
He'll stay.

If he takes the money and runs, leaving the company in this state, he will never find employment as an executive in any corporation in America.

You don't take vital money that a company needs to operate while asking employees for concession #3, as we are circling the drain, and split town with millions in cash.

He'll stay, alright. He's greedy, but not stupid. He's too young to place himself in a position where he would not be "employable."
I was thinking it was more of an ego driven "rising to the challenge" sort of thing.
..... don'tcha think $4.5 million is a bargain to see him go? He's become the "anti-Christ" of airlines ... at least US and especially I.A.M.A.Workers. Bye Dave and don't let the door .......
Pitbull wrote:
If he takes the money and runs, leaving the company in this state, he will never find employment as an executive in any corporation in America.

You don't take vital money that a company needs to operate while asking employees for concession #3, as we are circling the drain, and split town with millions in cash.

If it's a question of ethics,it doesn't matter, that word no longer exists in the vocabulary of corporate America. As far as taking money vital to the operation of the airline,isn't that what Wolf and Gangwal did?

To the person who floated Piney Bob's name for the next CEO, why not! Compared to what we have,how bad could he be?
I just cannot understand why Richard Branson did not steal "Dave" , "the smart, young, talented, CEO" to run his new US start up? :lol:
Well, it could get worse...Piney Bob for CEO...naaahhh! You'd have to jab both my eyes with hot pokers before I would concede to that.

When Gangwal left in Nov. of 2001, U was not in this position. In fact, Wolf came out Jan. of 2002 in USA Today stating ...... U would probably not need an ATSB loan, we had 1 Billion in cash and that the co. was in the best position it had ever been in.

By April 2002, the revenue picture changed changed dramatically for all airlines. Siegel came on board as a replacment for Gngwal March 2, 2002, and the rest is a friggen history lesson.
It doesn't matter - we "poor players strut and fret our hour upon the stage".

If dave exits stage left, it was written into the play long ago.
I would be surprised if Siegel left this spring. In regard to the $4.5 million, that payment can be re-negotiated and a larger sum made if he is successful at making the company a viable, stand-alone business entity or by being involved in M&A activity.

For example, look at the amount of money Stephen Wolf would have made of the last United Airlines merger attempt would have been concluded.

Moreover, his personal UAIR stock has a current market value of about $16 million, therefore, another $4.5 million is about another 20% gain in net worth that will not make a huge difference in his liefstyle.



Could've, should've, would've blah, blah, blah...

Don't know if you use a calculator or not, but 1.4 million shares at $4.80 (dropping every day) translates to Under $7 million in stock.

Again, if this knuckle head takes the cash, he better be able to live on this money for he and his family for the next 40 years of his life, cause he will not be employed to operate another company in this lifetime. Wherever he is, stockholders will run.
"strut and fret our hours upon the stage...and then are heard no more. To die, to sleep, perchance to dream......"
"To be, or not to be. That is the question."

That's the gist of this board.
I thought it was "2B, or not 2B..."

Maybe I've been flying too much. :lol:

I believe Dave Siegel has more shares than you have reported.



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