Shoddy wiring 'everywhere' on Iraq bases


Jun 28, 2003
Dallas, TX
Brought to you by KBR, wholly-owned subsidiary of Halliburton, Darth Cheney's company. For those Shrub supporters with short memories, KBR was awarded billions in no-bid contracts by Shrub and Darth for military construction jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan. Also, you may have conveniently forgotten that a U.S. soldier was electrocuted last year while trying to take a shower in a KBR-constructed shower facility.

Perhaps some of you "patriots" who accused anyone who didn't support the stupid war in Iraq of not supporting the troops might want to write your Congressman in outrage for this. Want to support the troops? Get them wiring in their bases that won't kill them.

"Childs said the majority of buildings on U.S. bases were built and wired by KBR since the U.S. invasion."

The rest of the article
Bone headed ripoff contractors exist in Iraq?
I thought they only chased after hurricanes over here :huh:

Bush/Cheney are history...Haliburton is working for Obama now.
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Not only was all the shoddy construction in the Middle East done on your boy's watch; so were the ripoff hurricane contractors. Do we see a pattern emerging here?

I hope you remember your admonition to forget the past and move on the next time you want to post one of your Rush-wannabe screeds that attacks President Clinton for something he did in office. That was over 8 years ago. And, none of you can forgive him for leaving office with a huge surplus in the U.S. budget and a Dow-Jones in the neighborhood of 10,000. What a loser!

I hope your kids, your grandkids, and your great-grandkids don't mind paying for that stupid Iraq War that Shrub made sure never made it into any of his budgets--not one dime of the cost was ever included in a Federal budget until Obama became President. Paying for the current expenses of the war is one of the main reasons his first budget is a deficit budget.

Oh, as far as Bush-Cheney being history. You're right. An early poll of U.S. historians place Bush as the 34th worst President in U.S. history. What could Millard Fillmore have done to rate lower than Bush? :shock:
I hope your kids, your grandkids, and your great-grandkids don't mind paying for that stupid Iraq War that Shrub made sure never made it into any of his budgets--not one dime of the cost was ever included in a Federal budget until Obama became President.

They're all dead.

And, none of you can forgive him for leaving office with a huge surplus in the U.S. budget and a Dow-Jones in the neighborhood of 10,000.

Show me....all I saw was projections..... :lol:

Not only was all the shoddy construction in the Middle East done on your boy's watch; so were the ripoff hurricane contractors. Do we see a pattern emerging here?

Wait until Obama has a 'disaster' and I'm not refering to his economic policies.The same ripoff's and such will continue but of course you won't hear about it from the media....only under Bush.'s Dodd doing with his denial on AIG bonuses?? :lol:
Well said Jim. Bu the denier's will continue to change the subject and blame everyone but the last administration for its disastrously poor policies and the raping of the middle class and working poor.
Well said Jim. Bu the denier's will continue to change the subject and blame everyone but the last administration for its disastrously poor policies and the raping of the middle class and working poor.

It'll happen on O's watch but you won't hear much about it in the news media.Bank on it.
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  • #7's Dodd doing with his denial on AIG bonuses?? :lol:
Do NOT get me started on Dodd! You would start to think that YOU are a bleeding heart liberal. My opinion: if he had a shred of honor, he would resign for so blatantly lying about his part in the "deal." But then, as Mark Twain said, "Suppose you had a politician. Now, suppose he was a crook. Ah, but I repeat myself." :lol:

My other favorite Twain political statement is, "There is no known native criminal class in America--other than Congress."

However, as a good Repub, I would think you would be applauding Dodd for continuing the previous administration's policy of throwing money at the already rich either through direct grants a la AIG, or unwarranted tax cuts and/or "bonusses.".
Do NOT get me started on Dodd! You would start to think that YOU are a bleeding heart liberal. My opinion: if he had a shred of honor, he would resign for so blatantly lying about his part in the "deal." But then, as Mark Twain said, "Suppose you had a politician. Now, suppose he was a crook. Ah, but I repeat myself." :lol:

My other favorite Twain political statement is, "There is no known native criminal class in America--other than Congress."

However, as a good Repub, I would think you would be applauding Dodd for continuing the previous administration's policy of throwing money at the already rich either through direct grants a la AIG, or unwarranted tax cuts and/or "bonusses.".

Not a GOP lover Jim..........same for DNC.............

In regard to Mikey's do realize FEMA wasn't formed to provide Red Cross services.......Katrina proved that.
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With all due respect. Folks ripping off the government on contracts is only slightly newer then the worlds oldest profession.

It is truly an equal opportunity offender whether it be Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton or Little Bush and now Obama lama ding dong.

Every two weeks when you cash your paycheck the government confiscates a portion your wages whether you like it or not. Instead of worrying about Bush/Cheney or Obama/Biden why not worry about the insane war on drugs, the continued perversion of the US Constitution by BOTH sides.

Having a debate over which party screws you less is a lot like organizing deck chairs on the Titanic. A nice gesture but not particularly helpful in keeping the boat from sinking.

As to the shoddy wiring in Iraq, who cares? Once we're gone I could care less if the light switches electrocute an Iraqi of 2,000.

Why not vote out every rat b@stard politician currently in office and tell them NO PERSONAL INCOME TAX! It's time the government adapt to the same realities that its citizens do and that is you only spend what you make.

With all due respect PB,
I've been around since FDR was President (I was born about two weeks before he died). I don't remember any situation where a company that had billions in no-bid contracts got a total bye from a U.S. President as KBR did with Shrub when the work that company did for the government resulted directly in the death of U.S. soldiers.

By the way, the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution made the Federal Income Tax perfectly legal. You must have heard about it. It was in all the papers. Besides, do you actually believe that eliminating the income tax would stop the government from spending more than its income? If so, you need to cut WAY back on your martini consumption. You're beginning to hallucinate.

As to the shoddy wiring. I care a GREAT DEAL about it. My brother is a retired Army colonel. His daughter just graduated from West Point. My sister's older son is a test pilot at Nellis AFB. That shoddy wiring is not affecting Iraqis, nor will it. It is all on U.S. military bases which will be dismantled if and when we leave Iraq. It is U.S. citizen/soldiers it is affecting. But, bringing KBR to the bar of justice might involve Shrub and Darth Cheney--since KBR is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Halliburton.

Do you think that the Army inspector just discovered the problems the other day? The information has been supressed while Bush was still in office. Classified information, don't you know. Yeah, right. The only way we even know about the soldier who was electrocuted last year while taking a shower is because his family refused to stay quiet about the incident. Original attempts by the media to discover what happened were met with claims by the Pentagon that the information was classified. Even Fox News reported on the shameless coverup.
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Your response makes no sense whatsoever. Did you fix yourself another scant double? What do you mean I answered my own question. Sense of fair play? For Bush? It wasn't the media who were trying to keep the electrocution a secret, it was Bush's administration that was attempting to suppress the information. That Army Inspector would have been brought up on charges or certainly reprimanded and his career dead-ended if he had made that report public while Shrub was still in office.

And, perhaps you can enumerate some of the times in the past where Presidents have allowed billions in no-bid contracts. The "emergency" no-bid contract was a specialty of the Bush Administration. And, of course, I'm sure it was just coincidence that Halliburton and KBR got the great majority of them. Yes, the free market at work, no doubt.

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