Russian Bombers going to Venezuela

Oct 30, 2006
Following Russia's invasion last month of the former Soviet republic of Georgia, Russia is now sending 2 Russian Bombers to spend several days carrying out training flights over neutral waters, after which they will return to the base.

Earlier this month, Chavez said Venezuela would welcome the Russian air force, according to Russian news agency Novosti.
Ivan's doing quite well in our hemisphere...............

Pavel Felgengauer, a leading Russian defence expert, told The Times: “It’s to show the flag and the finger to the United States. They are offering a sort of gangland deal – if you get into our territory, then we will get into yours.

Peter the Great is armed with 20 nuclear cruise missiles and up to 500 surface-to-air missiles, making it one of the most formidable warships in the world.

200Kt yield with 1500 Nm range.....sit back and enjoy our new neighbor.....

Putin has mentioned reestablishing a presence in Cuba. Since the Russians are avid chess players here's how you could checkmate them. Open up relations with Cuba. So if Cuba were to allow a Russian military presence there the Russian servicemen could grab lunch at the local KFC. Or have a cocktail at the bar of the local Hyatt Regency. But I doubt the current administration will do that.
Great if its up in the air at the right time.
They've been around for quite some time.I saw one at Wright-Patterson 10 years or so ago.

Pearl Harbor comes to mind.
Following Russia's invasion last month of the former Soviet republic of Georgia, Russia is now sending 2 Russian Bombers to spend several days carrying out training flights over neutral waters, after which they will return to the base.

Earlier this month, Chavez said Venezuela would welcome the Russian air force, according to Russian news agency Novosti.
I suppose its OK for the yanqui imperialist to reactivate the 4th Fleet to enforce the Monroe Doctrine? :down:
This is all political grandstanding by Chavez using two obsolete Russian planes.

Nothing to see here folks, move along...

The performance of the Russian Tu-160 is often compared to the US B-1B. The aircraft has an operational range of 14,000km and a service ceiling of 16,000m. The maximum flight speed is 2,000km/h at high altitude and 1,030km/h at low altitude.

Production has since been restarted and a Tu-160 was delivered to the Russian Air Force in May 2000. 14 aircraft are now in service in Russia.

In 2006, the Russian Air Force was expected to receive five modernized and one new-built Tu-160 . The Russian Air Force will receive a further five modernized Tu-160s each year , which means that modernization of the fleet could be achieved within three years if the schedule is kept up.

Sounds good...I'm cool with it..............nothing here to worry ones psyche....
This is all political grandstanding by Chavez using two obsolete Russian planes.

Nothing to see here folks, move along...

Technically the B-52 is obsolete yet it still packs a punch. However given the fact the Russian Air Force has only a handfull of the TU-160 I would not get to worked up. Add to that the fact the Russian Air Force has a long way to go before they can rival the USAF. Just look at their performance in Gerogia.

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