Retirement Papers


Sep 17, 2006
Does anyone out in cyberland, happen to have a number to HP where I apply to have sent retirement papers sent to me?
Happy New Year!

Thanks! :up:
Does anyone out in cyberland, happen to have a number to HP where I apply to have sent retirement papers sent to me?
Happy New Year!

Thanks! :up:
I'am not sure what forms you are requesting. If you go to the hub under retirement, there is a form that you can download. Then I think you have to fax it in.

All employees fax the completed Pre-65 Retiree Medical Selection Form to (480) 693-8603. If you work in Inflight you also need to fax the form to Rick Carpenter at (480) 693-3201

Hope this helps you.
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Im Not Inflight services-
ground services...
:up: -hey thanks!
If you look farther down on that page, there was a Phx phone number, that you can call to actually talk to someone (and I did, to see if I qualified for any early retirement.) I can go now, and not get anything, but if I wait until I hit age 55, I can get something from both the PBGC and the Union.
Like you I am fleet service also. Hope this helps you.
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yes I did try to call about 7ish our time last nite-I became dis connected more then once.

Will try again during THEIR working hrs.