I know this will appear to be strange, however, life is a strange and sometimes huorous thing. If you you dont take it too terribly serious all the time! A little background on myself will follow this post in the same thread. I am looking for a woman that works for US Airways as a possible flight att.??? I carried her grandson, Owen onto the plane and made sure that her daughter, Abby, and grandson, Owen, were settled in their seats. As Abby and i parted ways, she asked me a few questions to which i could only answer as a married man would... Without giving explanation, for fear of temptation, i ran ti cat h my plane. Had i not been married, i would have skipped the flight to talk more with her and at the very least taken her phone number. This occurence transpired about three years ago. After losing my father last year and going through a divorce as wel, i have decided to change many things in my life. I truly enjoyed Abby and Owen's company and would love to find out how they areand if it is possible to pass on my information to Abby... I know Abby was visiting an aunt in Charlotte, NC. Again, my name is marc mollicone and you can find me i am sure on google. Along with everything else in the universe!!! Thank you for your time and help on this matter!