Ralley 28 Feb 08 US Airways Labor Coalition TURNOUT POOR.

Mr Eagle

Oct 19, 2005
Phoenix AZ
Out Of 30,000 Employee's That Work & are Represented by UNION'S only Approximateley 150 People Were at the Ralley 28 FEB 2008. Allthough There were Not Ton's of People {Approximateley 150 People}There was Peace & Commradery that Was Great. There Were Message's of HOPE,SOLIDARITY,UNITY,& A NEW Begining. Some of the message's were as Follow's---> Please Convey That The CEO & The NEGOTIATION MANAGEMENT Team Need to TEAR DOWN THE WALL'S of Division, That They Have Built. ETC:
Help Us Out the NEXT TIME We Attempt to Organize another Meeting/Picketing PLEASE SHOW UP IT WAS GREAT TO GET TOGETHER WITH OTHER GROUP'S, Pilot's,Flt Attendant's, Fleet Service's,Mechanic's & Related, Reservationist's,& forgive me if I forget or Have forgotten any other group not Represented.
B) Mr Eagle.
Hey! Not so fast. We were in one of two circles and counted 131 in one. The other about the same. About 300 showed. All stations were there and All unions spoke out. It was fantastic. Thanks Coalition!
Out Of 30,000 Employee's That Work & are Represented by UNION'S only Approximateley 150 People Were at the Ralley 28 FEB 2008. Allthough There were Not Ton's of People {Approximateley 150 People}There was Peace & Commradery that Was Great. There Were Message's of HOPE,SOLIDARITY,UNITY,& A NEW Begining. Some of the message's were as Follow's---> Please Convey That The CEO & The NEGOTIATION MANAGEMENT Team Need to TEAR DOWN THE WALL'S of Division, That They Have Built. ETC:
Help Us Out the NEXT TIME We Attempt to Organize another Meeting/Picketing PLEASE SHOW UP IT WAS GREAT TO GET TOGETHER WITH OTHER GROUP'S, Pilot's,Flt Attendant's, Fleet Service's,Mechanic's & Related, Reservationist's,& forgive me if I forget or Have forgotten any other group not Represented.
B) Mr Eagle.

Have you ever tried to Non-rev from Pittsburgh to Phoenx? Not possible. Did you expect all of the East coast to come to Phoenix non-reving?

What good does it do anyway? The company could give a sh!t less and will do what they want. How much worse can the look in the public eye than they already do?
It wasn’t a bad start , I had my reservations about a labor coalition knowing how fragmented labor unions can be (I’ve got mine , cya! ) .

I’d like to thank the organizers of the protest and those who attended . Today’s rally wasn’t to tell Doug parker how sick we are of the antics , but to tell the MEDIA , and we succeeded .

Not a bad start at all , we just need to stay focused on making sure the MEDIA picks up on our anger , when people turn on the TV and hear or see something about US airways , it needs to be negative , confrontational and a reminder to the population that Americans are fed up with wal-mart like companies that treat their workers like dirt .

All bad press is good press :up:
you can't expect very big turnouts when a large group of the work groups in PHX that are in unions were working. but we would like to see the pictures of the "BIG RAT" holding the money bags! that was a nice touch
Nothing you guys did today will turn the media attention about US to "negative...." It's been that way FOREVER hahah!

OK, I understand the frustration, but what's with the " hahah". Reel me in because i'm perplexed by that>>>>>I might have to revisit some of ur posts to get a better understanding of where you've been coming from !
Don't read into me, just read into ANY news article since the merger.
Sorry.... I don't know how to make it any clearer.
Don't read into me, just read into ANY news article since the merger.
Sorry.... I don't know how to make it any clearer.

Hey Chill, I'm a little slow but I finally got it!
Kinda like this one from " About Us"

Irregular Operations will now be called
Daily Scheduling.

Who the hell thinks of this. The phrase implies something irregular daily!

Daily Operations will be known as Future

Sometime these things are just so apropo..................
Those are the east terms, since scheduling is going east. There is Daily, Future, Midnight, and Systems Scheduling for each base.
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Have you ever tried to Non-rev from Pittsburgh to Phoenx? Not possible. Did you expect all of the East coast to come to Phoenix non-reving?

What good does it do anyway? The company could give a sh!t less and will do what they want. How much worse can the look in the public eye than they already do?
The Next Meeting Will Probably Be in Another Station like PIT, will you Show up Then?? HOPEFULLY put your Action's WHere your Mouth is. PLEASE, I said Please. MR E.
congratulations to all who showed up.....I am proud of you all.

WE are the airline.....they might be try to run the place but we know who does
all the work.

Keep up the good turnouts......

I was thrilled that ALL labor groups are coming together!!

Thank you.....

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