

Aug 22, 2005
How can anyone say that Sarah Palin is qualified to be VP after that Katie Couric interview? And before you start with comments like "she has executive experience, Obama does not". remember I'm asking about QUALIFICATION and NOT EXPERIENCE. Those are 2 completely different things. Whether or not you agree with Obama's politics, he has knowledge of national issues. It is clear Palin does not.

Two very scary parts of the interview:

Katie Couric: Why isn't it better, Gov. Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families who are struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries; allow them to spend more and put more money into the economy instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?

Gov. Sarah Palin: That's why I say I, like every American I'm speaking with, we're ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the taxpayers looking to bail out. But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health-care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy, helping the -- it's got to be all about job creation, too, shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track. So health-care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans. And trade, we've got to see trade as opportunity, not as a competitive, scary thing. But one in five jobs being created in the trade sector today, we've got to look at that as more opportunity. All those things under the umbrella of job creation. This bailout is a part of that"

And when asked how living "next door" to Russia gives her foreign policy experience, she said :

""It's very important when you consider even national-security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America. Where—where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to—to our state."
Qualified? I assume we can talk about the qualifications of both Governor Palin and Senator Biden on this thread. Much has been said and many have concluded that Palin does not have the experience to be Vice President. Hopefully, Gwen Ifill will ask Senator Biden some difficult questions regarding his stated opinions and actions during his tenure as Senator. Here are a few questions I’d like to hear Senator Biden answer;

Q) You have supported $25 billion in loans to the auto industry. That's in addition to the $700 billion financial bailout to which Sen. Obama has given at least tentative support. Is there a troubled industry in America that an Obama-Biden administration would not bail out?

Q) You have been a stalwart supporter of Georgia during the recent crisis with Russia, and you've described Georgia as a 'worthy candidate' for NATO membership, along with Ukraine. Do you think it is in America's national security interest to extend a military guarantee, via NATO, to Georgia, particularly if it risks direct confrontation with Russia?"

Q) You voted against giving the first President Bush authority to use force to oust Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. You argued then that you opposed an 'impetuous and ill-considered rush to war. "Eleven years later, however, you supported the resolution to give the current president the authority to invade Iraq. You said, “that while Iraq did not pose 'an imminent threat,' it did pose 'an inevitable threat,†and, furthermore, that “we are either going to have to react, if not tomorrow, we will have to in the next five yearsâ€. Leaving aside how the war was handled or mishandled, do you still believe Saddam posed an 'inevitable' threat to the United States?"

Q) During the primary campaign last year, you criticized Sen. Obama's pledge to meet with the leaders of states such as Iran and Venezuela as “naive,†particularly if such meetings were held without preconditions. “You noted that when you met Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic in the 1990s, you did so on condition 'that no press would be available,' and you added that 'I'd only meet him in his office late at night, and I wouldn't dignify being seen with him.†Do you think that as president, Barack Obama would be 'dignifying' Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by meeting him? Or do you agree with Sen. McCain when he argued in last week's debate that “if without precondition you sit down across the table from someone who has called Israel a "stinking corpse," and wants to destroy that country and wipe it off the map, you legitimize those comments?
A person must be a native-born citizen at least 35 years of age and a resident of the united states for at least 14 years.The Vice President is elected for a term of four years.This official's only constitutional duty (unless he or she succeeds to the presidency or serves temporarily as acting President) is to preside over the Senate.Since the adoption of the 25th Amendment in 1967,the President has had the power to nominate a new Vice President whenever that office becomes vacant,upon confirmation by a majority vote of both houses of congress,the nominee assumes office.

Looks like she meets the requirements.

July 3, 1984, NY Times:

Of All the Feminist Nerve On one side, Walter Mondale has been hearing some infuriating demands. If he wants to win in November, feminists are saying, he has to nominate a woman to run with him. Otherwise, as Judy Goldsmith, president of the National Organization for Women, said the other day, ''I don't know how we can go out to women and say 'Here's something to work for.' ''

On the other side, traditionalists sputter at what sounds like imperious presumption. The test of a candidate, they pronounce, should not be gender but qualification to be President. It's a dismaying dialogue on both sides.

The feminists suffer from a crippling coarseness of style. They may sometimes feel embattled, driven to shrillness. But if, as a matter of pure political arithmetic, they are right about putting a woman on the ticket, that should be obvious to any serious Presidential candidate. If not, issuing threats sounds even more shrill.

Yet to be shrill is no worse than to be righteous, like the people who insist that the women Vice Presidential candidates so far proposed lack the requisite standing and experience. Why, it is said, none of them is even a senator.

Where is it written that only senators are qualified to become President? Surely Ronald Reagan does not subscribe to that maxim. Or where is it written that mere representatives aren't qualified, like Geraldine Ferraro of Queens? Representative Morris Udall, who lost New Hampshire to Jimmy Carter by a hair in 1976, must surely disagree. So must a longtime Michigan Congressman named Gerald Ford. Where is it written that governors and mayors, like Dianne Feinstein of San Francisco, are too local, too provincial? That didn't stop Richard Nixon from picking Spiro Agnew, a suburban politician who became Governor of Maryland.Remember the main foreign affairs credential of Georgia's Governor Carter: He was a member of the Trilateral Commission. Presidential candidates have always chosen their running mates for reasons of practical demography, not idealized democracy. One might even say demography is destiny: this candidate was chosen because he could deliver Texas, that one because he personified rectitude, that one because he appealed to the other wing of the party. On occasion, Americans find it necessary to rationalize this rough-and-ready process. What a splendid system, we say to ourselves, that takes little-known men, tests them in high office and permits them to grow into statesmen. This rationale may even be right, but then let it also be fair. Why shouldn't a little-known woman have the same opportunity to grow? We may even be gradually elevating our standards for choosing Vice Presidential candidates. But that should be done fairly, also. Meanwhile, the indispensable credential for a Woman Who is the same as for a Man Who - one who helps the ticket.

Hmmm. Why shouldn't a little-known woman have the same opportunity to grow?

That's not the argument the Times made 24 years later in a September 11, 2008, editorial:

It is well past time for Sarah Palin, Republican running mate, governor of Alaska and self-proclaimed reformer, to fill in for the voting public the gaping blanks about her record and qualifications to be vice president. [...]

Voters have a right to hear Ms. Palin explain in detail her qualifications to be standby president with no national or foreign policy experience. More is required of any serious candidate for such a high office than one interview with questions put by one selected source.

Why wasn't the Times as concerned about a female vice presidential nominee's qualifications and experience in 1984? Was it because back then the folks on Mondale's list were Democrats?

After all, in 1984, then San Francisco mayor Diane Feinstein was a serious consideration, and being pushed by many in the Democrat Party over Mondale's eventual pick of Ferraro.

The Times seemed to feel she was qualified enough for the position.

Is being mayor of San Francisco a greater qualification for vice president than being governor of Alaska?

I guess it is if the former is a Democrat and the latter is a Republican.

Yet, the money line in the '84 Times editorial was the final sentence (emphasis added):

Meanwhile, the indispensable credential for a Woman Who is the same as for a Man Who - one who helps the ticket.

Judging from the huge bump McCain has gotten in the polls, if the indispensable credential is the candidate helping the ticket, Palin seems more than qualified.

Why the double standard, NYT?

—Noel Sheppard is the Associate Editor of NewsBusters.
Looks like she meets the requirements.

yeah, problem is grampy McCain doesn't look like he'll live out the 4 years, so in essence your picking a vp that might become the next prez... sorry, she doesn't meet the requirements :down:
yeah, problem is grampy McCain doesn't look like he'll live out the 4 years, so in essence your picking a vp that might become the next prez... sorry, she doesn't meet the requirements :down:

She far exceeds many others before her.

Wouldn't worry too much.....he got good genes.
yeah, problem is grampy McCain doesn't look like he'll live out the 4 years, so in essence your picking a vp that might become the next prez... sorry, she doesn't meet the requirements :down:
So who is it that guaranteed you the two next breaths of life and who made you the oracle?
We've heard the same song from the same Bush supporters during the last election AND the first. Now, this disaster that has placed the well fare of the nation in danger, is ANYBODIES fault but him and his cronies...including his rt hand man McCain. The people that voted for Bush are just as much responsible for this disaster as he is.

A Quick Candidate Comparison:

Defending Workers' Rights

McCain sponsored legislation to gut the bargaining rights of private sector aviation workers and refused to support legislation that would fix the broken collective bargaining system at the FAA. He also opposes the Employee Free Choice Act.
Obama introduced legislation to restore the bargaining rights of FAA workers and stop the FAA from imposing contract terms on employees without their consent. He also co-sponsored and voted for the Employee Free Choice Act.


McCain supports foreign ownership and control of U.S. airlines. He also voted against safety and security standards for U.S. aircraft repair work performed in third-world countries.
Obama supports limiting foreign participation in U.S. airlines. He also supports forcing foreign repair stations to comply with U.S. safety and security standards.


McCain has called Amtrak a "scam" and has vowed to make sure that it "comes to an end."
Obama is a strong supporter of federal funding for Amtrak and believes service should be expanded.

Transit and Highways

McCain has repeatedly opposed funding or expanding mass transit and our crumbling highways and bridges. He was one of only four Senators to oppose the largest transit and highway jobs bill in U.S. history.
Obama has voted in favor of transit and highway bills, and has a proposal for rebuilding our nation's infrastructure.

Ports and Maritime

Even since 9/11, McCain has repeatedly opposed funding to secure U.S. port facilities, and called increased cargo screening an example of wasteful spending.
Obama has consistently voted to improve port security.

*The specific votes and statements that support each of the above comparisons are available in the materials at www.workingfamiliestoolkit.com or at www.ttd.org
She far exceeds many others before her.

Wouldn't worry too much.....he got good genes.

Let's see, she was mayor of a dirt patch village, then she was Gov. for 1 1/2 years of the most rural state in the country. Oh, whilel she was Gov. her little petty vindictive streak "reared it's head" and tried to fire those that wouldn't be her flunkies or divorce her family.

Obama has been in State AND Federal Gov. 8 times longer, with one of the most disciplined educations in the world.

Doesn't say much about your selection credentials...kinda like having foreign policy experience from osmosis while seeing Russia from your backyard.
So who is it that guaranteed you the two next breaths of life and who made you the oracle?

Probably the same "commonsense" oracle that says a haggard ancient fossil with a temperament of a spoiled child, a broken ticker, multiple cases of cancer, and early dementia symptoms will kick the bucket before most people under 60.
Let's see, she was mayor of a dirt patch village, then she was Gov. for 1 1/2 years of the most rural state in the country. Oh, whilel she was Gov. her little petty vindictive streak "reared it's head" and tried to fire those that wouldn't be her flunkies or divorce her family.

Obama has been in State AND Federal Gov. 8 times longer, with one of the most disciplined educations in the world.

Doesn't say much about your selection credentials...kinda like having foreign policy experience from osmosis while seeing Russia from your backyard.

I didn't select her.....

with one of the most disciplined educations in the world.

Yes I see what you mean.
We've heard the same song from the same Bush supporters during the last election AND the first. Now, this disaster that has placed the well fare of the nation in danger, is ANYBODIES fault but him and his cronies...including his rt hand man McCain. The people that voted for Bush are just as much responsible for this disaster as he is.

A Quick Candidate Comparison:

Defending Workers' Rights

McCain sponsored legislation to gut the bargaining rights of private sector aviation workers and refused to support legislation that would fix the broken collective bargaining system at the FAA. He also opposes the Employee Free Choice Act.
Obama introduced legislation to restore the bargaining rights of FAA workers and stop the FAA from imposing contract terms on employees without their consent. He also co-sponsored and voted for the Employee Free Choice Act.


McCain supports foreign ownership and control of U.S. airlines. He also voted against safety and security standards for U.S. aircraft repair work performed in third-world countries.
Obama supports limiting foreign participation in U.S. airlines. He also supports forcing foreign repair stations to comply with U.S. safety and security standards.


McCain has called Amtrak a "scam" and has vowed to make sure that it "comes to an end."
Obama is a strong supporter of federal funding for Amtrak and believes service should be expanded.

Transit and Highways

McCain has repeatedly opposed funding or expanding mass transit and our crumbling highways and bridges. He was one of only four Senators to oppose the largest transit and highway jobs bill in U.S. history.
Obama has voted in favor of transit and highway bills, and has a proposal for rebuilding our nation's infrastructure.

Ports and Maritime

Even since 9/11, McCain has repeatedly opposed funding to secure U.S. port facilities, and called increased cargo screening an example of wasteful spending.
Obama has consistently voted to improve port security.

*The specific votes and statements that support each of the above comparisons are available in the materials at www.workingfamiliestoolkit.com or at www.ttd.org

You always leave things out NXN !
Like the fact that organizations like "ACORN", community activist, just like Nobama, shoulders the majority of the blame for the latest crisis, by forcing the banking industry, back by the Demo-rats , to make risky home loans to people who would never pay them back and then on top of that the Demo-rats want to sneak in additional funds to a"ACORN" in the bailout package !

Talk about feeding the fire ! :shock:
You always leave things out NXN !
Like the fact that organizations like "ACORN", community activist, just like Nobama, shoulders the majority of the blame for the latest crisis, by forcing the banking industry, back by the Demo-rats , to make risky home loans to people who would never pay them back and then on top of that the Demo-rats want to sneak in additional funds to a"ACORN" in the bailout package !

Talk about feeding the fire ! :shock:

Would that be anything like the way you LOVE to leave out who spent the last 8 years DEREULATING the Banking and finance industries? Creating what can only be called a Ponzi Scheme for the rich to get richer. But, you would have to place the blame on people who actually tried to help the poor and middle class get a piece of the pie.

But that's OK...cause McCane (he'll be on one soon) has SEVEN houses to hobble to and from.

This debacle of a disaster lays squarely at the feet of John McCain and McBush.
Would that be anything like the way you LOVE to leave out who spent the last 8 years DEREULATING the Banking and finance industries? Creating what can only be called a Ponzi Scheme for the rich to get richer. But, you would have to place the blame on people who actually tried to help the poor and middle class get a piece of the pie.

But that's OK...cause McCane (he'll be on one soon) has SEVEN houses to hobble to and from.

This debacle of a disaster lays squarely at the feet of John McCain and McBush.

You're right, and my hemorrhoids are their fault too :rolleyes: