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Psa Rescinds Furloughes


Mar 20, 2003
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PSA announced they are receiving an additional 9 CRJ700's, are rescinding the 30 FO's to be furloughed this month and will call back additional 40 FO's on furlough.

At least there is some good news in the U system.
Amazing...the D0-328 was a nice little Hot Rod , yet we got all of 10 years use out of them for the large investment that We as the USAirways Group made in them.

Sure things change...and sure Dornier was a shakey company much like what Fokker became after both US and AA saddled themselves with the F-100 , thus they became very difficult to keep supported , not to mention costly.

The issue is...We did invest in these Techno toys...and we endured years of inflated support costs that the average traveler and company employee never knew about or could even begin to understand without a year by year spread sheet

The last vissue is what these little ventures has cost us in the long term. 10 years on what should have been at least a 30 year airframe is not a bargain...thus another fumble from those whom are supposed to be blessed with long range vision and leadership skills

We also find ourselves Having to use mainline aircraft and mainline employees as bagaining chips or better said as cannon fodder to insure the finance agreements on growth of our Express system far too many years after the horse has already escaped from the barn.

I have to thank the ALPA leadership for years of fighting the company on the subject of scope langauge regarding the RJ's....you have not protected your jobs with these past actions and you have only protected the few with enough senority to remain until the doors close with your present spineless actions...the rest of the mainline employee's allbeit for the senior F/A's whom will be likely working for next to nothing are all in great danger career wise thanks to these people.

Do not miss-understand me....I'm pleased that PSA and their people are getting new Aircraft , I'm equally thrilled that many of their dedicated employee's are going to avoid being furloughed...and many may be equally thrilled to be re-called to a job that they did not lose by any acts of their own making. However...I am un-nerved that reliable mainline aircraft and employees are being used as the sacrificial lamb to make this happen.

Sure we need to bolster our Express operation..we always have needed that...but to bolster one to down-grade the other is foolish...and please do not for a moment fall into the greater utilization of aircraft theory that's being tossed around as workable. This is going to be a fiasco as Mainline Aircraft continue to age ..or worse are going to be repaired in places far removed from the route system as to be viable sources of spare parts while being in heavy maintenance.
ITRADE said:
Is PSA now rid of their DO-328s?

yes the do-328s are long gone i think since last august. they were a neat looking plane that we at my city called the batmobile.
what type of rjs are they getting? the 700 series or the other one?
robbedagain said:
what type of rjs are they getting? the 700 series or the other one?

All the announced deliveries are the 700. We didn't even get 10 years out of the Dornier, the first arrived in 1995. They were good machines and inexpensive to lease (especially after bankruptcy I), not very many people wanted new turboprops in '95.
They are getting 9 CRJ-700(701). They are configured for seventy seats.
Phantom Fixer said:
10 years on what should have been at least a 30 year airframe is not a bargain...

30 year airframe? Outside of Alaska and the Caribbean, I don't know that I've seen too many 15+ year old props in revenue service, let alone 30 years...
30 year airframe? Outside of Alaska and the Caribbean, I don't know that I've seen too many 15+ year old props in revenue service, let alone 30 years...

There are plenty of examples on the PHL and CLT ramp.
Former ModerAAtor said:
30 year airframe? Outside of Alaska and the Caribbean, I don't know that I've seen too many 15+ year old props in revenue service, let alone 30 years...


You don't get out from behind your keyboard too often do ya Mr I want to argue everything?

I see examples of aging turbo-props making money all the time.

Airborne Express flies a number of converted YS-11 Freighters for profit , along with DC-9's that were built soon to be 40 years ago.

I also see a few independents flying both L-188C's,YS-11's , F-27's , FH-227's and Convair 580's in revenued service out of CLT...sure it's not passenger service but it's ancient and lucrative none the less. Point being they keep going long past thier supposed expiration date

CLT also see daily service with Shorts 330-200's operating as Fed Ex feeders (Mountain Air Cargo) and Metroliners that aren't exactly spring chickens either. Sure they aren't passenger haulers..but the fact remains that they are viable revenue makers regardless of age and silly perceptions.

The point was....U paid good money to obtain the Do-328's and by comparison to the usual mainline acft timeline and that of the DHC-100's we have...the Do-328's are still very much virgin airframes with state of the art systems in them....Yet they are gone based on short-sighted leadership that had to obtain yet another brand when the DHC-8's were already in service with two other WO's. See where more money in logistics and training got pissed away at the employee's expense again.

I suggest you take a trip to MIA sometime too....then tell me about 30 years airframes again. I know of a few companies flying DC-4's , DC-6's , Connies and a few C-97 Stratofreighters that are USAF hand-me-downs...then you can spot some 40 yearold DC-8's and B-707's still humping it for a living too , Hell NW is still kicking it with DC-9's that are old as well as 100% paid for too.

Oh here's another Airline with aging Turboprops for you to check into in MIA....it's called Chalks or Pan Am Air Bridge ...Chalks is the oldest revenued airline in the US....and they fly in and out of saltwater everyday from the Port of Miami with aging turboprops.
FWIW, the last time I went thru MYR there were at least 15-20 D-328's sitting across the field still in our colors.

That's where the new owners wanted them delivered. Incidentally, U never owned the 328's they were all leased.
smfav8r said:
PSA announced they are receiving an additional 9 CRJ700's, are rescinding the 30 FO's to be furloughed this month and will call back additional 40 FO's on furlough.

At least there is some good news in the U system.

Does this mean the CLT base is back on? -Cape