Former ModerAAtor said:
30 year airframe? Outside of Alaska and the Caribbean, I don't know that I've seen too many 15+ year old props in revenue service, let alone 30 years...
You don't get out from behind your keyboard too often do ya Mr I want to argue everything?
I see examples of aging turbo-props making money all the time.
Airborne Express flies a number of converted YS-11 Freighters for profit , along with DC-9's that were built soon to be 40 years ago.
I also see a few independents flying both L-188C's,YS-11's , F-27's , FH-227's and Convair 580's in revenued service out of CLT...sure it's not passenger service but it's ancient and lucrative none the less. Point being they keep going long past thier supposed expiration date
CLT also see daily service with Shorts 330-200's operating as Fed Ex feeders (Mountain Air Cargo) and Metroliners that aren't exactly spring chickens either. Sure they aren't passenger haulers..but the fact remains that they are viable revenue makers regardless of age and silly perceptions.
The point was....U paid good money to obtain the Do-328's and by comparison to the usual mainline acft timeline and that of the DHC-100's we have...the Do-328's are still very much virgin airframes with state of the art systems in them....Yet they are gone based on short-sighted leadership that had to obtain yet another brand when the DHC-8's were already in service with two other WO's. See where more money in logistics and training got pissed away at the employee's expense again.
I suggest you take a trip to MIA sometime too....then tell me about 30 years airframes again. I know of a few companies flying DC-4's , DC-6's , Connies and a few C-97 Stratofreighters that are USAF hand-me-downs...then you can spot some 40 yearold DC-8's and B-707's still humping it for a living too , Hell NW is still kicking it with DC-9's that are old as well as 100% paid for too.
Oh here's another Airline with aging Turboprops for you to check into in's called Chalks or Pan Am Air Bridge ...Chalks is the oldest revenued airline in the US....and they fly in and out of saltwater everyday from the Port of Miami with aging turboprops.