PSA Heritage Airplane Dedication


Mar 22, 2004
PSA Heritage Airplane Dedication
San Diego, CA
March 30, 2006
US Airways announced the planned completion of the PSA Heritage plane’s livery in the next week. Once the aircraft is finished, employees are invited to join company leaders in San Diego to relive the days of PSA and witness the dedication of the PSA Heritage Aircraft.

There must be some truth about smiles being infectious. I cannot help but smile when I see that PSA paint job. I only flew the real PSA once, but remember it fondly as it was an enjoyable flight.

It will be nice to see the "grinning bird" flying the skies once again.

PSA - Catch Our Smile!
B) Looks like a koolaide smile! No...really it's a company plot to undermine the healthy negative employee contempt for content employees. :blink: Or maybe it's part of a bigger scheme...don't be surpised if GWB has DP in his hip pocket...soon you'll be seeing PSA smiles flooding the skies of DC in an effort to turn public opinion around on the war in Iraq with that evil subliminal suggestive smile. :eye:
It's in CLT as I type this and it looks great! We were surprised to see it, but I love they are doing it.