Proposed Delta Merger and Delta777 & WorldTraveler


May 18, 2003
The Delta creditors committee has spoken and US Airways has pulled its offer to acquire the Atlanta-based carrier. I believe it is best to move on and for those interested in the success of US Airways to focus on the Tempe-based airline.

Delta777 & WorldTraveler have no interest in US Airways and I believe we, and at least me, have no interest in their drivel. US Airways is the most profitable legacy carrier and is widening the gap on other airlines.

It's time to move on...

Best regards,

i would just like to wish all the good folks over at delta good luck and long careers in an industry that we all are passonate about. we all are out there everyday doing basically the same job, i'm glad that delta will survive and prosper. lets all try to treat the northwest people with compassion as the go thru the bankrupcy process. no more circling like sharks people!!!!!! :angry:
The Delta creditors committee has spoken and US Airways has pulled its offer to acquire the Atlanta-based carrier. I believe it is best to move on and for those interested in the success of US Airways to focus on the Tempe-based airline.

Delta777 & WorldTraveler have no interest in US Airways and I believe we, and at least me, ahve no interest in their drivel. US Airways is the most profitable legacy carrier and is widening the gap on other airlines.

It's time to move on...

Best regards,


An we needed a new thread for you to pontificate on the subject?

Yes B.O.B it is time to move on so please take your own advice.

Delta777 & WorldTraveler have no interest in US Airways and I believe we, and at least me, ahve no interest in their drivel. It's time to move on...
Best regards,
Take your own advice, move on, and if you have no interest why did you feel the need to start a whole thread on the subject?
The Delta creditors committee has spoken and US Airways has pulled its offer to acquire the Atlanta-based carrier. I believe it is best to move on and for those interested in the success of US Airways to focus on the Tempe-based airline.

Delta777 & WorldTraveler have no interest in US Airways and I believe we, and at least me, ahve no interest in their drivel. US Airways is the most profitable legacy carrier and is widening the gap on other airlines.

It's time to move on...

Best regards,


Stop believing every word out of Doogie's mouth, he's not the second coming of Christ. This just proves my point. As usual, your statement about LCC being the most profitable Legacy carrier is patently false. Would you do some legwork before you make outlandish statements, i'm getting tired of correcting you all the time.

For the full year, US Airways earned $304 million.

Although Continental posted a loss for the fourth quarter, profit for the full year totaled $343 million.

Simple math lesson, $343 is bigger/more than $304.

Sure, I've seen people like you before - but I had to pay an admission... :shock:
Yeah, that will get it to ya faster!

Actually I'm still cooking up the crow to serve.... So many to serve and so little time.

Got a red eye tonight so the furniture waxin will have to wait till Sunday as I'm taking the first two days off this weekend with my better half in almost a month. (we will not be waxin furniture either... :up: )

Have a great weekend.

Actually I'm still cooking up the crow to serve.... So many to serve and so little time.

Got a red eye tonight so the furniture waxin will have to wait till Sunday as I'm taking the first two days off this weekend with my better half in almost a month. (we will not be waxin furniture either... :up: )

Have a great weekend.
Ohh a weekend off...well have fun!
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Typical non-sensical comments by Delta777, L4P, ClueByFour, and 700UW that do nothing but take up bandwidth.

Best regards,

I will be honest, and please dont attack me. As much as all of you think of me as a nuisance, as I am reading all of these threads you remind me of kids at my school. Some of you are even worse. Is not, is too, is not, is too. This is ridiculous!

US/DL merger if over.

Can we get a Northwest333 to fill in Delta777's space when we US announces a hostile bid for NWA?
Stop believing every word out of Doogie's mouth, he's not the second coming of Christ. This just proves my point. As usual, your statement about LCC being the most profitable Legacy carrier is patently false. Would you do some legwork before you make outlandish statements, i'm getting tired of correcting you all the time.

For the full year, US Airways earned $304 million.

Although Continental posted a loss for the fourth quarter, profit for the full year totaled $343 million.

Simple math lesson, $343 is bigger/more than $304.

Sure, I've seen people like you before - but I had to pay an admission... :shock:

LCC actually earned in the neighborhood of $507 million in 2006 before merger related costs...I believe that's more then CA's $343 million or do you Deltoids have a different math. If your going to continue to rag on LCC, get the facts you said, simple math isn't it? :up:
LCC actually earned in the neighborhood of $507 million in 2006 before merger related costs...I believe that's more then CA's $343 million or do you Deltoids have a different math. If your going to continue to rag on LCC, get the facts you said, simple math isn't it? :up:

Damn, how did i forget about "merger related" costs. I thought it was supposed to bring about "synergies", not costs. :lol: