President Biden drops (forced) out.


Oct 20, 2007
So President Biden had a poor debate performance against President Trump and the Democratic Party went into full blown panic mode. They forced Biden out to save their own asses. If the Party had rallied around Biden instead of stabbing him in the back the big money donors would have stayed. These people are slimy as hell.

So what happens now? Kamala gets anointed like Hillary? (Yea that worked out well) or do they have an open convention picking Kamala (Make it look good) or does someone else (Maybe better) get picked?

What chance does anyone really have now to (legitimately) beat President Trump?
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A massive amount of people all over the World don’t buy the convictions and believe they were totally and completely Politically motivated. A whole hell of a lot of appearances undeniably point to that.

Now let’s see if the Democrats try to once again usurp Democracy and anoint the next candidate or do they realize if they do that their hypocrisy would be ramped up by a thousand from where they already are.

Democracy should mean all hell breaks lose at the Democratic Convention as lots of people jump up to say they want the job.

It’s going to be wild and the World 🌎 gets to see just how dysfunctional America 🇺🇸 really is.
This might sound kind of out there, but just last week folks were saying that they were voting for RFK and not Biden. Folks like my brother have said they are voting for RFK and not Trump. So - nominate RFK and you've already got those votes. Of course the Democrats would have to come to their senses about the transgender stuff. But I think RFK would have a shot at winning if the Democrats ran him. They will never do it though. So they are handing Trump the 2024 election.

One thing that liberals like me will do is be critical of "My" side when I feel they are wrong. Righties would NEVER do that. But they should have listened to this a year ago instead of trying to cancel the guy who said it.

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This might sound kind of out there, but just last week folks were saying that they were voting for RFK and not Biden. Folks like my brother have said they are voting for RFK and not Trump. So - nominate RFK and you've already got those votes. Of course the Democrats would have to come to their senses about the transgender stuff. But I think RFK would have a shot at winning if the Democrats ran him. They will never do it though. So they are handing Trump the 2024 election.

One thing that liberals like me will do is be critical of "My" side when I feel they are wrong. Righties would NEVER do that. But they should have listened to this a year ago instead of trying to cancel the guy who said it.

Stop thinking and saying any “side” is more virtuous than the other. That’s a total load of unwashed hogwash. And I can’t understand either why you want to camp yourself as anything including being a Leftie or a Rightie.

Try just being a “free thinker” instead. Democrats have a lot of good policies and bad policies. And so do the Republicans. Blind loyalty only means you walk over the cliff in your blindness.

They won’t go for Kennedy. They should but they won’t. They painted a picture of him they can’t come back from now. Can’t believe you mentioned the transgender, woke, dei, open borders, and war mongering agenda stuff. Oops ok only 1 out of 5 but it’s a start.

Turn down the heat some on all that crap and maybe some of the moderates who they abandoned would feel like they’re welcomed in the house again.

Many will never return now though.

Back to Kennedy. After that call with Trump he’s also shot. Besides he also supports ending Wars and the Party elites can’t have that happen.

Maybe they’ll try to run Hillary up their flagpole again? One things for sure they have a total mess on their hands.
Stop thinking and saying any “side” is more virtuous than the other. That’s a total load of unwashed hogwash. And I can’t understand either why you want to camp yourself as anything including being a Leftie or a Rightie.

Try just being a “free thinker” instead. Democrats have a lot of good policies and bad policies. And so do the Republicans. Blind loyalty only means you walk over the cliff in your blindness.

They won’t go for Kennedy. They should but they won’t. They painted a picture of him they can’t come back from now. Can’t believe you mentioned the transgender, woke, dei, open borders, and war mongering agenda stuff. Oops ok only 1 out of 5 but it’s a start.

Turn down the heat some on all that crap and maybe some of the moderates who they abandoned would feel like they’re welcomed in the house again.

Many will never return now though.

Back to Kennedy. After that call with Trump he’s also shot. Besides he also supports ending Wars and the Party elites can’t have that happen.

Maybe they’ll try to run Hillary up their flagpole again? One things for sure they have a total mess on their hands.
Why would anyone want Hillary up their flagpole?
Stop thinking and saying any “side” is more virtuous than the other. That’s a total load of unwashed hogwash. And I can’t understand either why you want to camp yourself as anything including being a Leftie or a Rightie.

Try just being a “free thinker” instead. Democrats have a lot of good policies and bad policies. And so do the Republicans. Blind loyalty only means you walk over the cliff in your blindness.

They won’t go for Kennedy. They should but they won’t. They painted a picture of him they can’t come back from now. Can’t believe you mentioned the transgender, woke, dei, open borders, and war mongering agenda stuff. Oops ok only 1 out of 5 but it’s a start.

Turn down the heat some on all that crap and maybe some of the moderates who they abandoned would feel like they’re welcomed in the house again.

Many will never return now though.

Back to Kennedy. After that call with Trump he’s also shot. Besides he also supports ending Wars and the Party elites can’t have that happen.

Maybe they’ll try to run Hillary up their flagpole again? One things for sure they have a total mess on their hands.
I brought up trans because my cycling group is very liberal. And none of them are comfortable with a hard core stand on trans. My daughter was a college athlete and I don't think it's fair for a man who "identifies" as a woman playing against women, or pushing them out of a possible scholarship.

But don't think liberals have the market cornered on extreme views. Conservative views on guns and abortion are equally extreme. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get our country back to the last century? Back to a time when "compromise" wasn't a bad word. Men like Barry Goldwater, Bob Dole and heck...Ronald Reagan would be considered RINO's today. I read a book about Dole and he said that you will never get 100% of what you want, but if you get 51% you win. Today it's all or nothing.
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Why would anyone want Hillary up their flagpole?

Because she’s a psychotic (potentially evil) Globalist Warmonger who was their 2016 standard bearer who’s never stopped being bitter about her defeat? The defeat her own Husband, laziness and arrogance told her she was going to get by taking hard campaigning for granted.

And I actually voted for her.

Anyway that’s off the table now.

Now that precedent has been set, how soon will Republicans call for Trump to step down in the unlikely event he goes on multiple incoherent rants.
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I brought up trans because my cycling group is very liberal. And none of them are comfortable with a hard core stand on trans. My daughter was a college athlete and I don't think it's fair for a man who "identifies" as a woman playing against women, or pushing them out of a possible scholarship.

But don't think liberals have the market cornered on extreme views. Conservative views on guns and abortion are equally extreme. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get our country back to the last century? Back to a time when "compromise" wasn't a bad word. Men like Barry Goldwater, Bob Dole and heck...Ronald Reagan would be considered RINO's today. I read a book about Dole and he said that you will never get 100% of what you want, but if you get 51% you win. Today it's all or nothing.

I think LGBTQ as a whole amount to around 5% “identifying” themselves of the US population. About 0.5 to 1% “identify” as Trans ⚧️ or Non Binary. And yet in the Democratic Party that fringe population is focused on more than the by far average straight population. Nothing wrong with paying attention to the minorities but obsessing over them is a different matter.

So I wholeheartedly agree with your first paragraph.

And nope liberals aren’t all extreme and there’s nothing wrong with the word “Liberal” either. Just as much as there’s nothing wrong with the word “conservative”

More people as they get older go conservative however over going the other way. The viewpoint being we worked hard most of our lives for what we have and we don’t want to share any longer.
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Now that precedent has been set, how soon will Republicans call for Trump to step down in the unlikely event he goes on multiple incoherent rants.

Unlikely? Honestly he goes on them at almost every rally. FOX even called it Trumps greatest hits.

Republicans if you remember never ever ever wanted him to be their standard bearer. They tried desperately to take him out of the race in 2016, some undermined his Presidency, back and forth with him in 2020 and now after that Assassination attempt it’s his Party 100%. He’s been stamped as a “Badass” Mofro.

To a degree he’s actually remade that Party. (To a degree)

“Economic Populism” Whatever the hell that means? We’ll see.
Now that precedent has been set, how soon will Republicans call for Trump to step down in the unlikely event he goes on multiple incoherent rants.
I'd think He has one helluva long way to go to be put in the same class that caused Biden to punch out.
So what happens now? Kamala gets anointed like Hillary? (Yea that worked out well) or do they have an open convention picking Kamala (Make it look good) or does someone else (Maybe better) get picked?
I would like to see an open convention, but after seeing so many Dems coming out & supporting/endorsing her, I think it's a done deal.
What chance does anyone really have now to (legitimately) beat President Trump?
A good chance, IMO. And certainly better than 48 hours ago.
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I would like to see an open convention, but after seeing so many Dems coming out & supporting/endorsing her, I think it's a done deal.

A good chance, IMO. And certainly better than 48 hours ago.

Oh yea. The media is doing a full bore press pumping (pimping) her out now. They’re saying that if anyone even tries to primary her they would be committing Political suicide. Gotta love those protectors of Democracy.

I won’t vote for her. I think she’s an idiot regarding policies. She may have been a good prosecutor but she knows crap about just about everything else.

I think Trump/Vance is going to be a landslide.