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post Wright DAL/DFW top markets


Corn Field
Dec 5, 2003
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Those who doubt the effect of the post-Wright environment on DAL/DFW traffic and competition would do well to see the data of for the top LOCAL markets

For DAL/DFW - ORD/MDW on a combined basis, the average fare for all combinations of those four airports is down 27%, including for NK, with WN being the only airline that showed increased revenue based on 132% more passengers. AA"s local revenue was down 20% while UA's was down 1%. (a similar trend is apparent with DEN where AA saw a greater reduction in revenue than UA) AA previously had a 50% share of the combined market and lost 12 share points while WN grew from 16 to 30%.

Total market revenue is down 8% even though passengers are up 27%.

For LAS, average fares for the market are down 20% with AA losing the most share (8% points) and WN up to aobut 1/3 of the combined market

Total market revenue is down 1% even though passengers are up 25%.

For DCA, number 3, average fares are down 42%, passengers are up 90%, and total revenue in the market is up 9%.

For ATL, number 4, average fares are down 34%, total revenue is down 16%, on 26% more passengers.
DL in ATL is the only incumbent carrier in any of the new markets that did not lose share although average fares were down for DL and all carriers, including what WN carried before - a trend seen in most markets.

finally for LGA, WN's number 5 market, average fares were down 28% on 31% more passengers for a 5% decrease in revenue.
And WN is or has reduced DAL-LGA flights with the latest schedule.
doesn't really change the overall picture. Anyone that understands the data knows exactly what it means.
au contraire. The relevance of this information will only grow.

The best part of this board is - normally - topics remain open to be viewed so we can go back and see who was right.
wow... caring demonstrates insecurity?

just wow.

what you really mean is that you aren't willing to admit when it is shown that you are wrong.

at least you are in good company on this board.

and the notion that the data here is insignificant or is no big deal or won't matter in the future shows that you really have no clue what you are looking at.
Has nothing to do with whether or not one cares about the topic.  What we all don't care about is your opinion of any topic, period--whether it's airline related or the best way to change the oil in a '56 Chevy.  We just don't care if it's a topic started or overwhelmed by you and your made up "facts".  Anything you have to say leaves me in a state of indifference approaching the supernatural.
What you and a whole lot of others can't stand is that I highlight a whole lot of information which you simply do not know and don't have any ability to understand.

Instead of recognizing you are trying to talk about something that is way over your head, you resort to attacks on me because you don't like the message that is presented.

If you or anyone else wants to talk about business issues, then be prepared to do so with those who know a whole lot more about the subject than you do.

if you and others wants to whine about the food you have to serve, go for it. I'm out.

in this case, if you or others can't see a problem with WN adding capacity in some of the largest markets in the country and then dropping fares so low that not only the entire market but also WN's own average fares drop by double digits and overall revenue is reduced despite larger numbers and every competitor EXCEPT WN has revenue losses - and do it all from an airport where they are trying to eliminate a competitor and hide behind a law to dominate a market unlike what no other carrier has done in any other large airport in the US, then you simply don't understand the topic and you have absolutely no business throwing stones at someone who does.
jimntx said:
Has nothing to do with whether or not one cares about the topic.  What we all don't care about is your opinion of any topic, period--whether it's airline related or the best way to change the oil in a '56 Chevy.  We just don't care if it's a topic started or overwhelmed by you and your made up "facts".  Anything you have to say leaves me in a state of indifference approaching the supernatural.

Nailed it.

this coming from someone that calls themselves "blue collar"

psst... this case won't be decided by blue collar workers or using blue collar logic.

it's precisely why you and jim don't understand it.