You know what? I think that PIT is a great airport in a great location to serve the entire east coast. An airline with competent management (like U USED to have in the early-to-mid 1980's) could really make it work (it is, after all, the key to what allowed U to prosper in the first place). Instead, in a futile, self destroying move to try to weasel cost cuts this management team has elected to basically abandon PIT (or at least make everybody think they are). I witnessed the same thing in Baltimore in the early 1990's, when Seth and his team of "idiots" basically handed the airport to SWA. Great move, giving a prime airport located right between (easily within driving distance of both) two major markets to your competition. I figure that no matter what UAIR does now, that the airport folks at PIT will have a welcome mat out for another major player. What great strategic thinking on UAIR's part! From what I've seen, the posturing and negotiating in the media has cost this company FAR MORE than they could EVER hope to recoup by "sticking-it-to" the employees! Bronner needs to get back to buying golf courses and get someone that knows what they're doing to run the airline.