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Piedmont lay off news?


Oct 25, 2003
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Heard rumblings of lay offs,and buy outs at piedmont.Also no more overtime. Any out there to verify these rumours?
I work for Piedmont in ABE and I was off yest and today when I go in tom I will find out whats up with that. as for OT I know that the mgrs have been told to cut back on it.
I was talking to a friend of mine in GSP the other day that works for EN and they had a station meeting last Friday and their manager said that 3 are being let go.
we are actually in desperate need of help. As far as the lay off thing, I havent heard anything at all about it. we have either 3 or 4 agents that work the turn flights in the afternoon/evening and to off load the airbus jet plus the 2 dashes. Thats also counting the fact that we clean all 3 RORNs. Thats counting the fact that in a month we do get a lot of diversions mostly heading to either EWR LGA or PHL and once in a while JFK.