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Piedmont Fades Away........


Aug 20, 2002
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It''s interesting to read from the Piedmont web site at: http://www.piedmont-airlines.com/CoInfo.htm as the current US Airways leadership continues to slowly squander this once profitable, industry-leading, wholly-owned regional airline. The outsourcing continues! The last paragraph states:

Piedmont has continued the Henson tradition of leading the way for regional airlines. Piedmont was one of the first airlines of any size with a fully operational Advanced Qualifications Program for pilot training. Piedmont was also the first regional to be certified for use of the TCAS anti-collision system. At the turn of the century, Piedmont was recognized by the FAA with a Team Spirit Award. The award was presented for Recognition of superior team effort for proactive strategic action promoting the Safer Skies Agenda throughout the government and industry partnership. Piedmont''s maintenance department was also recognized by the FAA. The department received the FAA''s distinguished 2000 Diamond Certificate of Excellence Award for its proactive role in aircraft maintenance training of its technical maintenance work force. Piedmont is continually preparing for the new challenges that await.

It seems an update to the web page may be needed. The Henson tradition doesn''t appear to be what it once was. Sadly the new motto could be From First to Worst in Less Than a Decade

........ Or, perhaps it''s just the curse of the Piedmont name. That word hasn''t been very popular at the main office since 1989.
Oldpropguy, I agree the piedmont name has allways been a sore point with Airways. My sources have indicated to me, and (proven correct in the past), that in the next 15 to 20 months or sooner, depending on how the Mid-Atlantic expansion is going and placement of RJ's at the contract carriers are going, that PDT will be blended into ALG. It has allready started with the SSO, payrole, benfits, ect; now handled by ALG. The ALG name will stay, and they will be the "prop" carrier for Airways, that they still will need for the markets that can"t support a regional- jet due to runway length and or passenger demands. The sad aspect of all is the employees at PDT; and how they are being used and lied to, look to the past and the present,..the Fla. layoffs, paycuts, losing holidays, all to "help the airline", but its never enough for the ones at the top. Well they are at the top
I'm sure someone will be purchasing the Piedmont name in the near future for a start up carrier, or maybe Pace might even pick up the name. But I'm sure we will still see the Speedbird (no not BA's call sign) flying across the sky.
That would be great, Pace would be a good fit. Its run by alot of sharp Ex, (Old Piedmont Folks), who have honor and take care of their employees. And have Class.
What a great source of revenue for USAirways. Im sure the name alone is worth mega bucks. And we all know Davie needs the cash. So let the ole Piedmont people buy it. That way lots of seniority will quit/retire and give US a run for their money.
I'm sure Dave doesn't want to allow any other company the use of the "Piedmont" name. That would give the competition an instant advantage!
I guess you guys don't "remember" the BAD parts about PI..? The "B" scale that never merged into the "A" scale...The "witch hunts"..? Good old boy system..?
Make me coffee and you'll be a supervisor..? Come on, lets remember those also..!
On 8/5/2003 10:28:30 AM Justaramper wrote:

I guess you guys don't "remember" the BAD parts about PI..? The "B" scale that never merged into the "A" scale...The "witch hunts"..? Good old boy system..?
Make me coffee and you'll be a supervisor..? Come on, lets remember those also..!

Yes there were some bad parts but Piedmont Airlines put out a quality product and the employees had pride in their company. Something that has been missing with this merged company. I know we cannot go back but we can remember the good-old-days.