Philly/int'l Flight Advice


Oct 27, 2003
Hi...I'm flying to London on US Airways in March and have seen some talk here about problems changing at Philly with security? Is it true that you have to go through security again, despite coming in from Denver on a domestic flight? How long are the waits? Can any of you based there or who know the airport offer this flyer some tips? We'd sure appreciate it...
Audrey -

The issue with security has been resolved for the most part. On you rtrip from DEN-LGW you will not have to pass through security again, unless you leave the concourses to go to the ticket counter. The issue with security was on the return, after you pass through customs and immigration. Since you had contact with your checked luggage, you have to be rescreened before re-entering the gate areas. TSA has been working with US to try and resolve the security re-screening process and they have improved their staffing for the European arrivals. We still run into security problems on Sat and Sun evenings with the large influx of Caribbean arrivals due to Sat and Sun only service. TSA is aware of the problem and are working on it.

Enjoy your trip to LGW and thank you for chosing USAirways! :)
Coming in from another flight in the US does not require you to go through security again unless you happen to go thru it and leave the secure area. Otherwise, if you stay on the secure side, you can go from C to A without rescreening. The rescreening that we have been discussing is when you come back into the country from overseas. I will be making this trip soon and will let you know how the lines are. I havent heard many complaints since the other security lines have been opened so hopefully the main problems have been worked out. Have fun.
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much obliged to you folks for the explanation! I was wondering why that didn't sound right. Well, with re-entry ---it does make sense, although it IS irritating.
Every other time I've come back and had to change planes (Charlotte, NYC) I haven't had to rescreen. But I'm glad they're changing it. Hopefully, by March, it will be solved! I'd just hate to miss my connection to DIA with the hassle of re-entry at customs PLUS rescreening into the domestic terminal. Is US Airways kind to customers who miss a flight because of this? Or are they hanging us out to dry and blaming it on the TSA?
MarkMyWords said:
The issue with security has been resolved for the most part.
You've got to be kidding!
It's still a nightmare EVERYDAY....unless the transatlantic booking are light. (Guess that's what we plan for!)
Audrey -

In the event you misconnect in PHL, the agents there will assist you in making alternate arrangements. No one is going to hassle you for events that are out of your control. Relax and enjoy your trip, you will be fine.

Crushed -

There has been a tremendous improvement in the processing in PHL. While it is not totally delay free, we are not having nearly as many problems as we did during the peak summer travel. Also TSA needs to work out their staffing issues, especially on the weekends with the higher Caribbean arrivals.
I dont know when you last tried to get through security at A west, it is still a total disgrace and it is not only on the weekends.
With arriving passengers being finger printed and photographed the lines are longer than they have been. Also, the screening checkpoint at A did not have all of the lanes open infact the checkpoint off to the left was not even staffed.
For those of us who live half the month in hotels in Philly we continue to see passengers in the restaurant at night using their coupons and talking about how they misconnected due to the time it took to get through security.
Someone needs to get on the ball and fix this before our summer season gets up and running.
It has been my experience that "management" in the Int'l dept. is only concerned with the outbound flights. They rarely make an appearance in the customs/recheck area and they don't even staff a pax supervisor up there. When things get bad the agents are left to fend for doesn't even show up when called. Once again it's .... "If we don't see it, it"s all a-ok."
Can you say SAD ! ! !

It would be nice if the Company even cared. Why is it that no one is Accountable for this? I'm sure the Company stance is that it's a TSA problem. But in fact, it is also a Marketing problem, where is BBB?
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Well I would think, when we're returning, that as with most customs--Americans can breeze through the Americans only line---We did that at JFK---so I would anticipate not having to wait in line behind a bunch of foreigners who are being photographed and fingerprinted?
The best move to leave the secure area and re-enter via another security check. You used to be able to do this--I have not attempted it since A-west opened (and have enjoyed hour+ lines several times).

Of course, then you run into the issue of the B/C checkpoint suckage. If you feel like a monster walk (or, as I've seen done at least once, a cheap cab ride) down to F, you could clear there and take the bus (inside security) back to B or C.

PHL, as a hub airport, sucks large rocks thru a very small straw.

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