Tell me this hasn't been considered in the hallways of Plano & Elk Grove??
Surely the merged AA/UA could be a formidable competitor as our national champion and the cost savings from elimination of duplicate functions could go a long way to matching the LCC CASM benchmark!
It ain't such a wild idea folks (well, maybe the idea of dusting off Bobby Crandall to knock together the necessary heads during the assimiliation process) but hey, this new airline would really be something to get excited about!
Go ahead, tell me why it couldn't work. And no union excuses either.
I'm telling you it will work!
Surely the merged AA/UA could be a formidable competitor as our national champion and the cost savings from elimination of duplicate functions could go a long way to matching the LCC CASM benchmark!
It ain't such a wild idea folks (well, maybe the idea of dusting off Bobby Crandall to knock together the necessary heads during the assimiliation process) but hey, this new airline would really be something to get excited about!
Go ahead, tell me why it couldn't work. And no union excuses either.
I'm telling you it will work!