Obama Losing Jewish Support


Oct 29, 2002
After a fiery, at best dealing with Israel over Obama's tenure and an increasing distrust by the Jewish vote......including an admonishment of Bibi Netanyahu during a photo op that resulted in Obama being dressed down by someone very well schooled in international politics that further cemented his failure to secure much needed cash from what he took for granted, resulted in an Obama bailout by his favored media wonks.

American media resorting to this level absolutely sucks.


All of which raises an interesting, perplexing, and suddenly quite pressing question: How, exactly, did Obama come to be portrayed, and perceived by many American Jews, as the most ardently anti-Israel president since Jimmy Carter?

NY Mag........

Obama's community organizing skills have done him well on the world stage.

And if he votes to veto Palestine's statehood bid.....expect the Saudi's to go off the deep end. He's already pissed them off rather well..........Say Saudi oil problems for the US? :lol:
I for one would love to see him tell the saudi thugdom to go pack sand. It's long overdue.

But as far as Obama & Jews... As long as the GOP takes dolts like perry or bachman seriously and panders to morons like the tea party and supporters of creationism, Obama has nothing to worry about WRT Our vote. Full Stop.
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What matters is who America sees as their next President......looking like anything but.........
One of the things I find both confusing and smusing is we hear how the Tea Party are called "Morons" and worse, yet what we never get are any substantive reasons as to why this is true?

At least when I call the POTUS the Back bench Jubior Senator from IL posing as President I have some valid reasons to call him so. Reasons like:

9.2% Unemployment
$4.00/Gall Gasoline
Failure to actively pursue repeal of the Patriot Act
Failure to honor his promise to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
Starting another boots on the ground conflict with Libya knowing full well the opposition included Al-Queada.
Propping up the US Approved dictator oy Yemsn by bombing
Not to mention the staggering national debt that grows by Billions each and every day.
Solyndra, LightSquared back room dealing with dubious results that cost jobs, not create them.
Did I mention accumulating more debt in 30 months than Bush did in 8 years?
Did I mention that if is re-elected and continues his level of spending he will have incurred more debt then all of the prior US Presidents combined?

Which brings us to Israel and US Jews! His assault upon them by his actions regarding both the Palestinian State and their ability to defend their borders has been well documented for all to see and the Jews in this country have 20-20 vision and they don't like what the see, here or read.
One of the things I find both confusing and smusing is we hear how the Tea Party are called "Morons" and worse, yet what we never get are any substantive reasons as to why this is true?

Fundamental disconnect with how the economy and money in general work, for one. No clear vision for what a future with absolutely no infrastructural maintenance will cost america for another. TEA party is good only for complaining about what they don't like (taxes, the constitution, minorities, things like that), but never do they actually have anything to offer. I voted GOP myself about 60% of the time before they came along. But seeing what they and those like them, have hijacked the party into, like the rest of america, I will take my chances with Obama for the next four years. Won't be perfect, but at least he's not a bunch of crazy Brownshirt wannabes either.

9.2% Unemployment
$4.00/Gall Gasoline
Failure to actively pursue repeal of the Patriot Act
Failure to honor his promise to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
Starting another boots on the ground conflict with Libya knowing full well the opposition included Al-Queada.
Propping up the US Approved dictator oy Yemsn by bombing
Not to mention the staggering national debt that grows by Billions each and every day.
Solyndra, LightSquared back room dealing with dubious results that cost jobs, not create them.
Did I mention accumulating more debt in 30 months than Bush did in 8 years?
Did I mention that if is re-elected and continues his level of spending he will have incurred more debt then all of the prior US Presidents combined?

Until we bring real manufacturing back to this country, which is a three-pronged effort, get used to those unemployment numbers. They're here to stay, without regard to who sits in the big office.

I do agree that the the Patriot Act needs to go, we need to close gitmo, and get the hell out of Iraq & Afghanistan.

The rest of your "points" are pretty partisan and much worse can be said about other presidents. What's clear is that we will be getting neither a Reagan nor a Clinton out of this cycle.

Which brings us to Israel and US Jews! His assault upon them by his actions regarding both the Palestinian State and their ability to defend their borders has been well documented for all to see and the Jews in this country have 20-20 vision and they don't like what the see, here or read.

Simply being Jewish does not imply blind support for Israel. That having been said, yes I do think we need to do a better job supporting a nation that is, apart from the UK, our single best ally in the world. But keep in mind that Israel is just fine on her own too. Speaking as someone who lived in Haifa for decade, I can tell you that it does get very old hearing this meme (usually from american right wingnut christian types) that we couldn't have made it without the US. It get's a little old, and I can tell you that whatever happens this election, the Israelis will be just fine.
Of course this is why every one of Ron Paul's predictions regarding out fiscal policies have come to pass because we the people don't understand how money works. That fiat currency leads to where we are today. He predicted the real estate bubble in 2001

This debacle called a recession has finally proven Keynesian Economics to be a failure. Obama created it! Now he owns it.

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