Not-So-Secret Health Care Agenda: Deception


May 17, 2008
If you haven't already seen this video about the liberal plan to deceive Americans into their public option plan, stop what you're doing and watch it now.

In his own words....Video Link
This video just re-enforces my opinion...............................Nobama is a Facist/Socialist ! :down:
i watched the video , i found it to be very editded ...

just so you guys know , everytime you see a new screen come in and out that's not always the end of a video ... alot of times you can take a full length video and you can pick and chose what sections of it to play ...what video editing can do is take a 20 minute video and make it appear as if it's a 5 minute video ... you can even edit out portions of a speakers words etc to make it sound as if they are saying things that they might be implying by cutting some of the other segments of video ..

i just thought you guys should know about video editing in case you were not familair with it .... check out widows movie maker if you have vista ..
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HOLY SCHNIKEES! A politician deceptive?

Stops the presses, Alert the National Guard!

Don't blame me I voted for Bob Barr.

Vote Libertarian while you still can.
Dont get me wrong I think it would be smashing if Bob Barr was president, realistically how does one think the Libertarian party has much of a chance? 2008 electoral votes was 509,478 votes, which is 0.4% of the popular vote.
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Well we live in interesting times. "King" Barack I's crown is already a bit tarnished and often in times of upheaval and uncertainty third parties begin to gain traction.

For the Libertarian's to have an impact a victory would be defined not so much as capturing the White House as it would be to merely get five to ten percent of the popular vote.

5 to 10 percent means the Libertarians can have a HUGE effect on one of the major parties.
Ahh I see...interesting. :up:
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Analysis: Doctors' boos show Obama's tough road.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama isn't used to hearing boos.

For all the young president's popularity, the response he got Monday from doctors at an American Medical Association meeting was a sign his road is only going to get rockier as he tries to sell his plan to overhaul the nation's health care system.

The boos erupted when Obama told the doctors in Chicago he wouldn't try to help them win their top legislative priority—limits on jury damages in medical malpractice cases.

But what could they expect? If Obama announced support for malpractice limits, that would set trial lawyers and unions—major supporters of Democratic candidates—on the attack. Not to mention consumer groups.

Why would he not support malpractice limits? Chances are when the gov is the only single payer available, suits against doctors wont be allowed when your health care is now rationed and watered down.
i watched the video , i found it to be very editded ...

just so you guys know , everytime you see a new screen come in and out that's not always the end of a video ... alot of times you can take a full length video and you can pick and chose what sections of it to play ...what video editing can do is take a 20 minute video and make it appear as if it's a 5 minute video ... you can even edit out portions of a speakers words etc to make it sound as if they are saying things that they might be implying by cutting some of the other segments of video ..

i just thought you guys should know about video editing in case you were not familair with it .... check out widows movie maker if you have vista ..

I've heard of "Widows" movie maker. Thats the one where women lose their husbands to sub-standard "Government" healthcare ! :blink:

Does that clear up the video-editing issue for you Freedom ?

BTW, have you stolen anyones house or paid on your credit cards yet ? :shock:
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I've heard of "Widows" movie maker. Thats the one where women lose their husbands to sub-standard "Government" healthcare ! :blink:

Does that clear up the video-editing issue for you Freedom ?

BTW, have you stolen anyones house or paid on your credit cards yet ? :shock:

Which reminds me....

Remember this sob story:

San Diego Woman Chains Herself to Foreclosed Home to Resist Eviction

Only to find out she refinanced and used her equity like a ATM machine to the tune of $300k+ in a business venture that failed. According to sources county records, the house was offered up for auction one year ago with an estimated default of over $633k, and the original sale price when she and her previous husband bought it was $198k.


Decided to break into the home after the chains didn't work. Gets arrested. Goes on Trial.

but wait theres more...

They bought more than 7 homes, and have foreclosed on all but one or two. She used equity as a personal ATM to buy those other homes, pay off credit cards and fix up her home. The banks have to shoulder some blame for offering free and easy credit, but people still need to take personal responsibility for their actions in putting themselves in a bad situation by overextending themselves beyond their means of living.

She's also a licensed Realtor


She styled herself a foreclosure and short sale specialist. :lol: :blink:

She promotes herself as “Specialist in Mitigating Foreclosure Lossesâ€￾ but can not handle her own finances ?
You do realize with the single can control the baby boomer/social security problem all in one :blink:
I've heard of "Widows" movie maker. Thats the one where women lose their husbands to sub-standard "Government" healthcare ! :blink:

Does that clear up the video-editing issue for you Freedom ?

BTW, have you stolen anyones house or paid on your credit cards yet ? :shock:
<_< :lol: :lol:
........but people still need to take personal responsibility for their actions.... this period of developing must realize that the only "politically correct" response to any such not-so-common-anymore- "Blasphemy!"..."Burn the heretic!" :shock:

Silly person you. Don't you realize that, according to Acorn and the extended obama cultists..that "Housing is a Right"? :blink: :lol:

I believe the appropriate theme song for these "entitlement" times would be had by firing up Janis Joplin: "Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz...My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends..." ;)

PS: As gas prices again hit the $3 mark....well...sigh...I'm still patiently waiting for my free house, and for all of that magical "Change" to happen :lol:
5 to 10 percent means the Libertarians can have a HUGE effect on one of the major parties.

Indeed Piney. What's to lose in any case? Even a pebble or few, properly placed under the toes of the politicians, can and sometimes do result in some changes in the direction walked.......
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Awesome! :blink:

White House Claim of 46 Million Uninsured 'Americans' Includes Almost 10 Million Foreigners

The claim made by the White House this month that 46 million “Americansâ€￾ lack health insurance is false because that number includes almost 10 million people who are not “Americansâ€￾ but in fact citizens of foreign countries who happen to be present in the United States, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
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Hey dapoes why should Obama let facts get in the of a good argument? No other President did?
Ya ya ya I know...

Awesomeness pt II :blink: :blink:

CBO: ObamaCare will cost $1T, still leaves 30 million uninsured

The Congressional Budget Office has tried crunching the numbers on Barack Obama’s plan to reform health care, which Obama says will save money and protect the uninsured. The CBO director on his official blog says, “Wrong!†— on both counts. The reform plan will cost more than a trillion dollars over the next decade, and while it will put 39 million people on insurance plans, it will drive off more than 23 million more from their existing plans. The cost doesn’t include Obama’s public plan option, either:

According to our preliminary assessment, enacting the proposal would result in a net increase in federal budget deficits of about $1.0 trillion over the 2010-2019 period. When fully implemented, about 39 million individuals would obtain coverage through the new insurance exchanges. At the same time, the number of people who had coverage through an employer would decline by about 15 million (or roughly 10 percent), and coverage from other sources would fall by about 8 million, so the net decrease in the number of people uninsured would be about 16 million or 17 million.

These new figures do not represent a formal or complete cost estimate for the draft legislation, for several reasons. The estimates provided do not address the entire bill—only the major provisions related to health insurance coverage. Some details have not been estimated yet, and the draft legislation has not been fully reviewed. Also, because expanded eligibility for the Medicaid program may be added at a later date, those figures are not likely to represent the impact that more comprehensive proposals—which might include a significant expansion of Medicaid or other options for subsidizing coverage for those with income below 150 percent of the federal poverty level—would have both on the federal budget and on the extent of insurance coverage.

A net decrease of 16-17 million would still leave about 30 million uninsured, according to the figures thrown around by ObamaCare advocates. It would simply exchange individuals in the uninsured category, and those most likely to lose their coverage would be those in lower-income jobs, as well as people working in small businesses and startups.

We would spend a trillion dollars to achieve a net result of solving a third of the uninsured problem. We could have exceeded that by simply paying for private insurance. Assuming an annual cost of $5,000 for basic catastrophic and wellness coverage, we could purchase 20 million plans for the ten years, without overhauling the rest of the American health-care system.