
tom barry

Aug 20, 2011
You know, there is only so much a poor fella' can take, and if "this" continues .. Newt Gingrich is ripe for a cerebral herorrhrage. :wacko: I mean..Romney is racking up primary wins faster than big bank CEO's bonus/s.

Mitt supports tying state minimum wages to inflation. :angry: and to add insult to injury, the Governor of (drum roll please) "South Carolina" has fully and wholeheartedly endorsed "our Mitt". :angry: :angry:
(I say ..our Mitt, because we New England/ers ...broke-him-in...years ago) ! :rolleyes:

The Democrat National in a state of Hysteria (thing uncontrollable Laughter) :) :)

Life is Good !

PS, Hey tech 2101, am I doing with my punctuation ??
Skip the extra question mark and ditch the emoticons. Newt losing it doesn't need emphasis.

I heard Romney called Newt a 'chickenhawk'. No relation to our board friend I'm sure.

But it is an argument against evolution.
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Skip the extra question mark and ditch the emoticons. Newt losing it doesn't need emphasis.

I heard Romney called Newt a 'chickenhawk'. No relation to our board friend I'm sure.

But it is an argument against evolution.

Dog, ....not even One emoticon ? :(
You know, there is only so much a poor fella' can take, and if "this" continues .. Newt Gingrich is ripe for a cerebral herorrhrage. :wacko: I mean..Romney is racking up primary wins faster than big bank CEO's bonus/s.

Ahhh, two hot dog

Mitt supports tying state minimum wages to inflation. :angry: and to add insult to injury, the Governor of (drum roll please) "South Carolina" has fully and wholeheartedly endorsed "our Mitt". :angry: :angry:
(I say ..our Mitt, because we New England/ers ...broke-him-in...years ago) ! :rolleyes:

PlEaSe StEp AwAy FrOm ThE CoMpUtEr

The Democrat National in a state of Hysteria (thing uncontrollable Laughter) :) :)

Yeah, I saw your savior crowing about Bain and insourcing......LOL

Life is Good !

PS, Hey tech 2101, am I doing with my punctuation ??
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dell,...........Capitalism at Any cost ?

dell,..........Your Savior ?

God Dam* the GOP !
dell,...........Capitalism at Any cost ?

dell,..........Your Savior ?

God Dam* the GOP !



Moe, Larry cheese.....
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dell,............... BO and Wright ? (for me) No, not really.

I'd be looking for (Ideally) people with the mind set's of Hillary, and a John Huntsman, or in other words Moderates !

Like a house with the windows Closed 99% of the time because of a long winter, the GOP(and said house) needs to Open the windows to get a good blast of Fresh New AIR, this is why if I (gulp) were to become a Repug., John Huntsman would be my man.
dell,............... BO and Wright ? (for me) No, not really.

I'd be looking for (Ideally) people with the mind set's of Hillary, and a John Huntsman, or in other words Moderates !

Like a house with the windows Closed 99% of the time because of a long winter, the GOP(and said house) needs to Open the windows to get a good blast of Fresh New AIR, this is why if I (gulp) were to become a Repug., John Huntsman would be my man.

You like that idiot because he was created by left wing MSM and you bought it hook, line and sinker....LOL

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You like that idiot because he was created by left wing MSM and you bought it hook, line and sinker....LOL


Nobody @ MSM is touting JH at all.
He's a proven successfull man, got a highly consevative state ship-shape, and has foreign policy experience in not just anywhere, but CHINA . A ton of young and 30/early 40 people can relate to him, unlike a has been like newt etc. He's the Colon cleanse that the good ol boy Pegug. party desperately needs.

PS, When the hel* do you SLEEP ? 3 3 1/2 hrs tops ??
I'm sure the DNC is happy.... that's because they're still living in Wonderland:


And no... that's not photoshopped....
Nobody @ MSM is touting JH at all.
He's a proven successfull man, got a highly consevative state ship-shape, and has foreign policy experience in not just anywhere, but CHINA . A ton of young and 30/early 40 people can relate to him, unlike a has been like newt etc. He's the Colon cleanse that the good ol boy Pegug. party desperately needs.

PS, When the hel* do you SLEEP ? 3 3 1/2 hrs tops ??
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dell,.............SC senator Demint says Romney will WIN. This "baby" is definitely O V E R !

PS, US Justice dept. say Recess apointments are LEGAL.

Life is Good !
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What did you expect from Holder?

Oh, Romney has 1144?

Good Lord Man, your holding out hope that someone else is at this point going to ressurect thier campaign to win ?
(or are YOU holding out hope that.....that Nut Job from Alaska is going to announce) ?