Werent the Expressed stations given a choice of mainline cities they could transfer to? I know it stinks having to move (been there, done that), but there were options. If you chose to stay in the Express city, you knew what the pay was going to be and that was your choice, much like those of us in the other outstations that havent been Expressed, but who chose to stay where we were and going part time instead of having to move. We are currently down to only 4 hours a day and that is hard to get by on as well, but we all knew it was possible when we made the decision to stay here part time. We all had choices to make and none of them were pretty, but we did them for a reason.
Having said that, I dont think that the mainline express pay topout is what it should be either. I think the CO Express topout of $16 would be more realistic for those who are in Express stations. Its still not great, but its liveable considering you've based your spending on what you were making before. Its hard to compare what the other carriers are paying to what we are since most of the guys affected with US were topped out and not just getting into the job with the knowledge that $13 is all you will EVER make here. That IMO just isnt a fair argument to use when comparing wages. Of course anyone who starts out at Spirit, Airtran, or any of the other LCCs (excluding WN) knows that they will never make anywhere near the other carriers are currently making.
Is CWA going to be negotiating an MDA agreement like the other unions, or is Mainline Express the end of the line? I thought they were going to be two different things since there currently isnt any MDA flying. Can someone clarify this? I still havent received my new contract with all the changes in it so am a little confused about this.