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Dec 21, 2002
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Dow Jones Business News
American Air's Carty: Talking With Unions On Cost Cutting
Wednesday February 19, 5:07 pm ET
CHICAGO (Dow Jones)--Don Carty, chairman and chief executive of American Airlines, said management of the world's largest airline is in discussions with union groups on how to cut costs.
But in a speech to a Chicago Executives Club group here Wednesday, Carty said, It may well be that the government will be asked to take steps to make sure the airline industry doesn't disappear.
This guy is so out of touch, I'm actually beginning to think the BOD needs to have a look at what kind of meds this guy is on!
Carty is a forward thinker, his objective is AMR's future, not labor's. AMR corp.is beholden only to it's shareholders, none of which embody it's employees as a majority.

Either it's labor groups join the "how much can we give back" chorus, soon or AMR 'ain't no mo'.
Actually, his remark about the government acting to ensure survival of the airline industry may be just what the doctor ordered. Maybe a watered down form of deregulation is needed. Just setting a "minimum" fare that all airlines must adhere to might be the way to go. Just to cover expenses such as fuel and security and even pension obligations seems reasonable. If all airlines are bound by a minimum fare, then they will have to go back to the preregulation era where they competed on the merits of their service and performance. Isn't that a novel idea?
On 2/19/2003 8:59:14 PM WingNaPrayer wrote:

This guy is so out of touch, I'm actually beginning to think the BOD needs to have a look at what kind of meds this guy is on!

After reading the posts of the past month, there are lots of people who are out of touch with what is going on...