Missing the airline business


Mar 19, 2006
I have not posted much lately.   After having my left knee replaced Jul 17, and getting back on track I continued to have to  much pain in my lower back.  After 3-4 Doctors visits 2 visits to the Emergency room I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon/Liver Cancer on Sept 12.  After 5 Chemo treatments I had a CAT scan and Dr reported that my golf ball sized tumor had shrunk over 25%.  I had to turn in my ID to go on medical leave and that was the hardest thing I have done in years.  Guys if you have not been checked for cancer please do so IMMEDIATELY.  I had a kidney stone in Nov 2012 and the CAT scan only showed the stone.  So in less than 9 months I had a turmor grown to the size of a gold ball.  The Chemo treatments are tuff. I have lost 60 lbs and I try to stay positive.  My Coworkers at SWA have been great with prayers and visits.   Please keep me in your prayers I would like to be Cancer FREE in the future and be able to return to work, even if it is to push WHEELCHAIRS.  God bless to everyone and have a great holiday.
God be with you.  They are doing some amazing things with chemo these days.  The treatments are brutal, but effective.  I just had a friend here in the DFW area declared cancer-free after an initial diagnosis of Stage 4 Lymphoma!  He was traveling down to M.D. Anderson Cancer Institute and Hospital in Houston for his treatments.  If that is an option for you, I highly recommend it.
Good luck to you and God be with you gizmo. My mom is a 3 yr survivor of breast cancer and has a heart condition on top of it. My prayers are w you
So glad to hear from you gizmo but sorry to know that you have been fighting as hard as you have.

My prayers are for your healing and that you find calm air once again - real soon.

peace be with you.
Brother Gizmo, you will be in our prayers. May God be with you. And I look forward to reading that you are back at work.

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