Mesa Crew Cancelations

Aug 20, 2002
It seems that there is an even higher than normal rate of Mesa crew delays and cancelations today. Any word on what is going on. Or just the usual end of month crew time-outs?
No one can afford to work there! They have a huge turnover rate for F/As, they are always hiring because they usually only last a matter of months.
it will only get worse...CCY's idea of generating revenue from within with the $20 per segment non-rev fee will force many (if not most ) FA's to quit suddenly when they receive offical word from Mesa regarding Jan 1 implementation. I would guess Mainline will lose more revenue due to cancellations then would ever be gained by sticking it to the contractors...but I guess I don't see the BIG PICTURE.

My advice: Don't plan on a contract flight to Non-rev until this travel thang is worked out.
US Airways management has decided to charge its affiliate Express carriers (not its owned airlines) $20 to non-rev. This is industry standard between airlines and contract affiliates, previously they were given a full term pass like actual US Airways and owned US Airways Express employees have.

As the turtle ponted out, some of these employees, particularly express flight attendants who cant jumpseat, may quit as the free travel was the only perk, or possibly they commuted and are now unable to do so (remember these positions pay the equivalent of minimum wage).

One of the carriers, Shuttle America, has paid a special fee to US so the employees still travel for free, I guess Shuttle America pays the fee for them. They are a very small company, I don't see this happening at a place like Mesa. This could be a reason for shortage of crews on top of the usual rapid turnover.

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