I think the company really actually believes there wont be a perception problem with this aircraft. They've got the cheap labor, the seperate division, the scope... then they go and present it to the public negatively, its the US Airways way.
Heres an opportunity to fly a mainline comfort aircraft (in fact, superior in many ways) to longer haul destinations (MCO, IAH, MCI, and if they wanted, much further west) while maintaining an Express carriers cost structure. They have basically replaced the core of the US Airways business (737 short haul flying) with a newer, younger, prettier, cheaper model.
They could have maintained and attracted the traveler they so deperatley want, the business traveler/frequent flyer, by offering a premium cabin and mainline product into smaller communities while offering the entire Star Alliance program. This is what USAir/ways did for years- flew mainline into cities others couldnt or wouldnt- now they have the opportunity to do it without the mainline costs.
They are most likely branding it as Express as they hope and expect to contract these aircraft out to affiliates. A sadder likelihood is that they want to beat the employees down and kill any pride they have in whats left of their airline, their co-workers, and thier careers.
The flight attendants have been informed that they will be disciplined if they are caught wearing thier wings insatead of the Express wings they are recieving. Since MidAtlantic is an "Express carrier", they cannot wear thier mainline wings as the customer might be confused (but calling a B1900 and an E170 Express but an F100 and 737 Airways shouldnt cause any? 🙄 )
Because, you know, Express flight attendants are known for thier consistency and professional appearance- we wouldnt want those dirty mainliners to screw up the seamless consistency by wearing wings that dont have Express written on them in tiny letters <_< . I know it doesnt sound like a big deal, but a crewmembers wings are important to them. The MAA flight attendants worked hard for those wings and have sure as hell earned them by now.
And since I cant think of any other Express flight attendants that are required to be qualified on the A319, A320, A321, A330, B737, B757, and B767, why cant the MAA F/As wear thier wings?
These are the types of things that management either doesnt understand, or even scarier, understands well....