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Major St. Louis announcement: TOMORROW!

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Aug 22, 2002
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Here is the article, I am very curious to see what is going to happen!
American Airlines and Lambert St. Louis International Airport plan to make an announcement Wednesday regarding the airline''s future plans for the St. Louis hub. St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay, Airport Director Col. Leonard Griggs and American Airlines Hub Vice President Bob Cordes plan to make the announcement at 11 a.m. at American''s ticket counter at Lambert.
Me Thinks it will be positive. A reaffirmation of the hub and maybe some terminal improvements. I just don't think they'll have a news conference at 11:00 in the open to announce a closing. Good luck to my freinds in STL.
I agree as well. The announcement will be in front of the AA counter. Not the place you announce cutbacks.
On 9/18/2002 12:09:14 AM DFWCC wrote:

Me Thinks it will be positive. A reaffirmation of the hub and maybe some terminal improvements. I just don't think they'll have a news conference at 11:00 in the open to announce a closing. Good luck to my freinds in STL.

I agree. Doubt if the mayor of St. Louis (which the airport is not actually even in, BTW) would show up if it was bad news...
[P][A href=http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/News/11BD5465F6BFF55586256C38000B62AE?OpenDocument&Headline=American%20Airlines%20gets%20set%20to%20unveil%20concourse%20upgrades]http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/News/11BD5465F6BFF55586256C38000B62AE?OpenDocument&Headline=American%20Airlines%20gets%20set%20to%20unveil%20concourse%20upgrades[/A][/P]
[P]How about that?[/P]
It's too bad this wasn't an announcement of a new terminal as was planned for with W-1W.... of course, at least its not a disaster-type of announcement like that AA was abandoning STL, or something like NW announcing the other day that they were going to tear down part of their new terminal at DTW just more than 6 months after they opened it (of course, the passengers will pay for it all through airport fees, EVEN IF they are flying another airline - yes, that's right, you get screwed to pay for NW's extremely poor planning, even if you are flying AA, UA, WN, etc...)
I hope to God that AA is'nt going to announce that the fokkers are going to be flown by LLC's old commuter carrier(s)
AX ????????
This is DEFINITELY NOT the time for AA to be breaking APA's balls

It's amazing how all the ANALYSTS are carping about how AA is going to SHUT DOWN STL.... and then comes this actual announcement that AA is INVESTING in IMPROVING its facilities at STL... Just goes to show, that all those analysts (and all those newspaper interns spewing expert predictions about what AA is and isn't going to do) are full of CACA.
I just looked at forward skeds. and now i dont see f-100 s operating MSP SDF DTW ICT.Wonder if they are holding back those little fokkers from entering STL.
Great news for AA STL employees and the great City of St. Louis! Lord knows those concourses are in much need of modernizing.

I'm curious. Can anyone provide info on the connector they plan to build between the C and D concourses. Will it be above ground or underground?
UAL777, My guess is that it would have to be below ground, for above gorund would be too costly. This is certainly great news because COncourse D is pretty well.......depressing. concourse C isnt bad, it doesnt compare w/ the old DTW Berry and Smith. This proves AA is going to make STL a cornerstone of its ops and hopefully add a 772 on MIA or DFW I would love to see one in here
Interesting, I would think that digging below ground would be far more expensive and disruptive than above ground...

With the announcement that some AX service will operate out of the D concourse, look for some boosting of frequencies by AX as soon as the 16 EM4s start coming over from Eagle.
On 9/18/2002 3:43:02 PM AA763 wrote:

My guess is that it would have to be below ground, for above gorund would be too costly[/blockquote]

I would imagine that it will start before D2 and then skirt over to infront of C1. The security point at CD is right now the connecting point also. This way you would have a hallway leading to C and another to D and the connector would be further away from security. Right now security can get awfully congested with the traffic passing through from one concourse to another.
Well, I do know that some of the routes you can bet on going to completely American Connection is:
I would say those cities for sure with a few more to follow giving them a decent RJ status in STL not huge, like CVG.
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