Maa Reaches Pilots With 99 Doh

If any pilot on furlough, after working at a major, is in a position where they have to EVEN THINK twice about working ~25 days on the road to make ~35K... Throw in a commute, a crash pad, or the necessity to move (who would actually consider moving for a sh it job)...

A Wal-Mart Greeter would have more take home pay...
Where did you get this information? Last I heard was the bottom Captain called was June of 89. Thanks, Mike J4J, Stalag Mesa
Take the training, then when the time is right, apply to JBLU to fly 190s...
vc10 said:
Take the training, then when the time is right, apply to JBLU to fly 190s...
I heard that some folks did just that (albeit ones with 320 types)--got typed on the -170 and bolted for Jetblue.

Will the -170 and -190 share a common type?
I was under the impression that they were just hitting the 1990s for pilots.

There was a gap of pilot hiring from 1991-1998. So if the 91's were offered, it would jump to 98-99's quickly.

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