Low-cost carriers top US safety list


Nov 15, 2005
US low-cost carriers (LCC) demonstrate better safety performance than their mainline or regional airline counterparts, says a study by San Jose State University, California. The results are not an aberration, the study notes, but a result of superior “strategic choices and organisational culturesâ€￾.

US LCCs score better than either of the other carrier categories in four measurable performance areas, according to San Jose’s director of aviation Prof Triant Flores and his co-author Felipe Reyes, manager technical audits at Air Canada Technical Services. The four areas are accident rates, incident rates, on-time performance and schedule compliance.

The period under study is 1 January 2000-31 December 2004, but it excludes the 9/11 events, Flores told last week’s Flight Safety Foun­dation/European Regions Air­line Association European Aviation Safety Seminar in Athens, Greece.

Flight Global

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