US low-cost carriers (LCC) demonstrate better safety performance than their mainline or regional airline counterparts, says a study by San Jose State University, California. The results are not an aberration, the study notes, but a result of superior “strategic choices and organisational culturesâ€.
US LCCs score better than either of the other carrier categories in four measurable performance areas, according to San Jose’s director of aviation Prof Triant Flores and his co-author Felipe Reyes, manager technical audits at Air Canada Technical Services. The four areas are accident rates, incident rates, on-time performance and schedule compliance.
The period under study is 1 January 2000-31 December 2004, but it excludes the 9/11 events, Flores told last week’s Flight Safety FounÂdation/European Regions AirÂline Association European Aviation Safety Seminar in Athens, Greece.
Flight Global
US LCCs score better than either of the other carrier categories in four measurable performance areas, according to San Jose’s director of aviation Prof Triant Flores and his co-author Felipe Reyes, manager technical audits at Air Canada Technical Services. The four areas are accident rates, incident rates, on-time performance and schedule compliance.
The period under study is 1 January 2000-31 December 2004, but it excludes the 9/11 events, Flores told last week’s Flight Safety FounÂdation/European Regions AirÂline Association European Aviation Safety Seminar in Athens, Greece.
Flight Global