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Livery Complete


Oct 29, 2002
Reaction score
they''ve been comming to PIT for engine swaps recently....all nice and shiny.
The last airplane that need to be painted in the new livery was completed on April 19th.
On 4/29/2003 11:58:20 PM delldude wrote:

they''ve been comming to PIT for engine swaps recently....all nice and shiny.

Why engine swaps? Last time they did this it was to send them back to the leasing companies.
Great to hear this however it took so long to paint all the planes that now some of the planes with the new livery are chipping and need to be repainted!
On 4/30/2003 10:53:49 AM SalesGuyCCY wrote:

Great to hear this however it took so long to paint all the planes that now some of the planes with the new livery are chipping and need to be repainted!

How well will this new paint hold up while parked in the desert....or is this where the chipping ones will go?
Let''s see, the first 2 airplanes in the new livery were a 300 and a 400 or both 300''s. That was sometime in early 97 I believe, so the early one''s should be ready for heavy checks where they will be stripped and repainted. The 767 and 757 fleets were the first to be completed.
From what I recall, 573 & 575 were the first ones painted in the new colors. I too had noticed that they were painting the A/C for the last few months. This was a signal to me that liquidation was not going to take place. Why would RSA let us spend the cash for paint if we were going to go away anytime soon.
521 was the first aircaft to wear the new or current livery.
I''ve noticed that some of the 737''s and 757''s look terrible. Do any of you mechs know if this is due to normal wear or the terrible winter weather. How often are they scheduled for wash and new paint?
Paint is every five years, the washes the company is running behind since TPA closed. I think the wash is 90 days.
I saw 649US (762) in CLT a few weeks ago, it''s looking absolutely horrible.
Has anyone seen tail 651? It was bound for AMS yesterday with nearly a third of its livery missing. Most of the "midnight blue" on top of the fuselage was gone, leaving bare metal and green primer. Schipol Airport customers and the 50 or so carriers that use it now have that professional image to remember US by. Pathetic.

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