Liberal University To Host Sponsor Of Terrorism

local 12 proud

Mar 5, 2004
at the request of the Iranian government, Columbia University will host the president of a terrorist regime which is right now responsible for the deaths of American soldiers on the field of battle. Indeed, this distinguished guest, who is so honoring Columbia by his presence, will be introduced by no one less than the president of Columbia, Lee Bollinger.

Just one question for Mr. Bollinger, if its about free speech as he claims then why are the Minutemen Border Guard denied the chance to speak? :unsure:

"We all know that unfortunately because the United Nations is located in New York City, he can come there just as (Cuban leader Fidel) Castro comes and some other jerks," McCain said. But allowing Ahmadinejad to visit the site "would be an affront not only to America but to the families of our loved ones who perished there in an unprecedented act of terror."

Ahmadinejad has also accepted an invitation to speak at Columbia University. McCain, who acknowledged he didn't have a close relationship with the Minutemen border guards, nonetheless noted that one Minuteman leader was prevented from speaking at the school, but the Iranian president is being welcomed.

"I don't quite get that, my friend. It's a sad commentary," McCain said.

"IF" the president of Colombia Univ. GRILLE's the Linin' SHET out of that NUT JOB, than I have NO problem with It.

As you remember, it was not so long ago that "he" was over on the east side of Manhatten, in NYC at the UN.

No big deal.

Kruschev(SP?)..Castro...they've all been here(NY)

Just one question for Mr. Bollinger, if its about free speech as he claims then why are the Minutemen Border Guard denied the chance to speak? :unsure:

Quite a difference between the President of Iran and some cowboys playing army down in south Texas. Whether you like Ahmadinejad or not, agree with his politics or not, he would be worth hearing out. Just because you don't agree with someone, you don't close them off. You get to know them better,learn what makes them tick. What are there weakness's etc? "Know your enemy like you know yourself and you will always be victorious" (Sun Tzu).
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Quite a difference between the President of Iran and some cowboys playing army down in south Texas. Whether you like Ahmadinejad or not, agree with his politics or not, he would be worth hearing out. Just because you don't agree with someone, you don't close them off. You get to know them better,learn what makes them tick. What are there weakness's etc? "Know your enemy like you know yourself and you will always be victorious" (Sun Tzu).

Bravo.... :up:

Just the response I expected from a Left Wing Kook...

Your So lacking in Intellectual acuity you fail to see the Hypocrisy in your own statement! :lol:
Yea I know Bears, if it suits The (Libbers) Agenda then its Free Speech! :rolleyes:

Let the guy an empty auditorium. Anyone who gives this guy an audience is a fool. You play right into his agenda.

Maybe he'll do a PowerPoint show on how the holocaust never happened? :blink:
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Let the guy an empty auditorium. Anyone who gives this guy an audience is a fool. You play right into his agenda.

Maybe he'll do a PowerPoint show on how the holocaust never happened? :blink:

What ya smokin 2101?

That place will be packed with brain washed flag burners! :lol:

If not, The first round is on me... :up:
What ya smokin 2101?

That place will be packed with brain washed flag burners! :lol:

If not, The first round is on me... :up:

Unfortunately Local, you are most probably correct. What I would like to see is that idiot on the stage debating someone...

I'm sure someone would step up to that challenge.
Quite a difference between the President of Iran and some cowboys playing army down in south Texas. Whether you like Ahmadinejad or not, agree with his politics or not, he would be worth hearing out. Just because you don't agree with someone, you don't close them off. You get to know them better,learn what makes them tick. What are there weakness's etc? "Know your enemy like you know yourself and you will always be victorious" (Sun Tzu).

Listened to several interviews on video media and to say the least,I think the man has no understanding of what makes Uncle Sam tick.He seems to have some bizarre misconception of the American people through CNN and Fox news.Like we're totally beaten and down trodden and without backbone.Funny how an overt act could wake him up to,as Yamamoto said 'I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve.'
Listened to several interviews on video media and to say the least,I think the man has no understanding of what makes Uncle Sam tick.He seems to have some bizarre misconception of the American people through CNN and Fox news.Like we're totally beaten and down trodden and without backbone.Funny how an overt act could wake him up to,as Yamamoto said 'I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve.'

Yeah... I agree with you. I think he -- and Osama -- thinks that the majority of Americans will sympathize with him; that we are so fed up with our politics that we will embrace him. While I am certain that *some* will be manipulated into his agenda (just as some people sympathize with skin heads), I think the Iranian is in for a rude awakening. Part of what he doesn't understand is that half the reason why we love our country so much is because we are free to openly disagree with the people running it.