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Let''s see management perform

On 1/10/2003 8:17:52 PM crazyincanton wrote:

I have been reading everyone's posts' for the past few months and thought that I would add my own 2 cents. I want to say that I respect everyone's decision no matter how you voted. It was a hard decision and we each had to make it based on our own individual circumstances. I voted yes today for the first time in 20 years. It will also be the last. This was not a mandate for management. It was by the slimmest of margins that they got their majority. I hope this opens their eyes. Whether you voted yes or no, the employees have had it. The well has run dry. It is now time for management to step up to the plate and present their plan on how they are going to increase revenue and compete with the low fare carriers. We have done our part. Now let's see what Dave and the boys are made of. Good luck everyone.
You mean you haven't seen what the boys are made of???
I have been reading everyone''s posts'' for the past few months and thought that I would add my own 2 cents. I want to say that I respect everyone''s decision no matter how you voted. It was a hard decision and we each had to make it based on our own individual circumstances. I voted yes today for the first time in 20 years. It will also be the last. This was not a mandate for management. It was by the slimmest of margins that they got their majority. I hope this opens their eyes. Whether you voted yes or no, the employees have had it. The well has run dry. It is now time for management to step up to the plate and present their plan on how they are going to increase revenue and compete with the low fare carriers. We have done our part. Now let''s see what Dave and the boys are made of. Good luck everyone.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/10/2003 8:17:52 PM crazyincanton wrote:
[P]Whether you voted yes or no, the employees have had it. The well has run dry. It is now time for management to step up to the plate and present their plan on how they are going to increase revenue and compete with the low fare carriers. We have done our part. Now let's see what Dave and the boys are made of. Good luck everyone. [/P]---------------[BR][BR]AMEN! Have at it guys.[/BLOCKQUOTE]
The pension problem will be solved.

We have, once again, stepped up to the plate.

Now it is up to Dave. Not management. Dave. We have given him the tools he asked for. We have been outstanding in our jobs since he got here. The management of this company has been selected (or retained) by him. And we now hold David Siegle totally responsible for the success or failure of this company. Along with the livelihoods of the tens of thousands of dedicated employees who work here. It now rests SQUARELY on your shoulders Dave Siegle. Not the BK judge. Not Bronner. Not the ATSB. Not the debtors. You. Period. I happen to think you are up to the task. We are. We have proven it.

This is the most difficult time in the history of the airline industry. And it may become even more so with the whack in Iraq. But we have answered that problem too with these new agreements. There can be NO MORE excuses. We have a distinct advantage over any airline out there thanks to these new tools we have given you, David Siegle.

The tools are now in your belt. Build the house. It's on YOUR shoulders. We will continue to do our jobs better than the rest. We have been since C11 got here. Now we expect you do the same. Better than Mullin. Better than Carty. Better than Bethune. You are now the quarterback. Hero or goat. Which will it be? You've got the BEST players and the BEST playbook and the BEST payroll and the BEST stadium in the league. Hero or goat? It's your game to win or lose. Eat their lunch Dave. Show us how truly good you are.

On 1/11/2003 9:08:39 AM callgirlcindie wrote:

well said! And I do not want to hear any complaints from anyone that did not vote.

And I don't want to hear any complaints from anyone who did vote and voted yes when they come back for "round three" because revenues are not up to expectations...or the Iraq thing took 1 day longer than anticipated...or the pilots wouldn't budge on their pensions.
Have to agree with Mrplane.

Management has the "ball"...specifically Dave. He is the "quarter back" who better understand the "game" and ALL the players. Ratification for all groups was by a very "slim" margin...there will be NO OTHER TIME!Personally, haven't seen any great moves by this upper manangement team, other than lowering employee costs (with intimidation and threats) and going into Chapter 11. Threat of losing jobs was the greatest catalyst, and that threat was "wearing thin" on many. I expect this management to reach all their targets this year and next...employees have given them all the tools. In 2004 we will see how they reward themselves and believe me, there are those who will be scrutinizing and reporting this out to everyone in the "know".

We will adapt to our changes and work together to rebuild morale. Hopefully, mangement will be "onboard" with the employees in this endeavor. Like Don Cartey stated at the Aviation Senate Hearing..."the recovery should not be on the backs of Labor".
It would appear that Mr. Seigel and Mr. Bonner will have to make US work with the tools they now have. By the closness of the CWA vote, I don't think they would be dumb enought to come back again for more. Of course, I've been wrong before.

On another front, based upon appearances and good ole rumor control, it looks like US will be dumping SABRE and going with APOLLO. Ah the joys of a new computer system, again.