Labor Pains

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003

The days when pilots were paid the same salaries as CEOs are long gone, and employees in the world's airlines indutries may be forced to do more for less

If the situation is drastic for airline executives, it is even more painful for labor leaders, whose influence is waning. The industry has never had so many major contract talks in so many places at the same time. Nor have unions that have already granted concessions ever been in the position of facing further requests for cuts - in the case of US Airways, not just once but twice.

This erosion of power is particularly frustrating for labor leaders like Friend, whose union has spent the last 40 years transforming the work of flight attendants from essentially a way station for young women before marriage into a full-time career for employees of both sexes. Especially difficult, she said, is knowing that a deal cut at one company may not hold up if a competitor can get better terms.

Especially worrisome for both labor and management is the suspicion that no airline is too big to fail, not as long as aggressive and financially healthy rivals are around. Alain Kornhauser, professor of operations research and financial engineering at Princeton, said that "if US Airways were to disappear," other airlines would quickly replace its flights, hire its crews and lease some of its planes.

Thomas Chochan, professor of management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said: "It's a terrible situation for the employees, for the customers, for the shareholders, for everyone at the moment. But unfortunately that's the world they're in."

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Yes, we are in the airline world that was created by the EVIL TWU, Frank Lorenzo,Crandall,and Icahn! That is why the TWU has to be removed from representing the MECHANICS+RELATED at AA!
Yes, we are in the airline world that was created by the EVIL TWU, Frank Lorenzo,Crandall,and Icahn! That is why the TWU has to be removed from representing the MECHANICS+RELATED at AA!
You have really come a long ways since Crayons babe.
Many people are missing the point, no matter what your position on the TWU and AMFA might be.

Management in all types of business are after employee benefits. It is not unique to the airlines. Executives want to take everything away from the worker so they can increase profits and their own compensation.

Today, unions just don't have the clout they once did to bring companies to their knees.
It seems that the pension and medical coverage are the two remaining thorns in companies' sides that must be pulled out.

So, in the end, when every company decides no more pensions and paying little or no medical coverage for the worker, they know they got you. You will not be able to quit ABC corporation and go to DEF corporation because the benefits are better.

Those days are gone.

I just wished we had given AA the pension during the concession negotiations and we would have had to give up what we did.

Now when they come for the pension, we will get squat.
Yes, we are in the airline world that was created by the EVIL TWU, Frank Lorenzo,Crandall,and Icahn! That is why the TWU has to be removed from representing the MECHANICS+RELATED at AA!
Actually Princess M&R are not the only airline workers that have been devastated by the misrepresentation of the TWU. All airline workers have suffered as a result of what the Teamsters called the "inept" leadership of the TWU.

This union has led the industry in concessions for all that it represents. They have aided airlines in reducing labor costs. They has given away our benifits, then enrich family members of Top union officers by having those family members make money by selling us those same benifits which we used to get at no cost. (Remember how quickly after giving away our 80 day IOD bank the TWU sent out the previously poorly selling STD policy they have been pushing for years?) They created the first B-scale in the industry and have recreated b-scale in different forms ever since. New classifications such as OSMs, Junior Fleet Service Clerks etc all work to lower costs for the company and divide large blocks of workers.

The fact is that the other classifications need the same thing that we need. They need a union that will strive to increase wages and benifits, the last twenty years has proven that the TWU is not that union, and it has proven that with a union like the TWU in the airline industry that other unions are pressured to reduce their aspirations for their members. Their crime is not calling the TWU to task because of their common affiliation in the AFL-CIO. They put peace withing the affiliation ahead of their members interests.

If airline workers are to have a future they must join together across corporate lines in unions that will not profit by undercutting other unions. Unions that do not do the companys bidding by placing workers in competition with each other. This goes for all airline workers, not just the Mechanics and Related.

AMFA and the AGW. Its something that should have been done twenty years ago. Its something that greedy unions like the TWU, IAM and IBT will never do- Unite airline workers.

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